TT091 Lukin Delay Line

Uses ToprDS1023 to create a programmable delay ranging from 27nsec to 250nsec.

ToprDS1023 schematic:

Arduino code:

You program over a vitual com port using E-Shop standard protocol.

Baseline delay is about 35nsec.

D<arg>; sets the incremental delay.  Valid argument range is 0 to 255.

d; returns the current delay setting.

S; stores the current delay in non-volatile memory, so that it will be loaded when the box powers up, without needing to be programmed over USB.


TT091B is a 4-channel version.  

ToprDS1023 daughterboards are the same, but now they are in a TipTop1590BBRPNT base.

Daughterboard schem is the same, but I added a convenient threshold voltage monitoring pad.

Arduino code is modified for the 4 channels, adding the channel select command:

C<arg> sets the channel.  Valid argument range is 1 to 4.


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