Digital Projects Timeline

Digital Projects Timeline



This text, illustrated above, represents the  timeline for the Digital Projects Submission Process. As scheduling requires participation across departments and divisions, specific dates may shift slightly.

Late Winter to Early Spring

February 20, 2020- April 20, 2020

Form is open for project submissions from across Houghton staff

Early Spring

April 20, 2020- May 20, 2020

Committee reviews submissions individually, culminating in a meeting to decide on recommended projects

Spring to Early Summer

May 20, 2020- June 20, 2020

Recommended projects receive conservation reviews and further examination from Imaging Services to assess cost and time requirements. Projects are sent to FAS Digital Reformatting Committee as necessary. This timeline may shift for individual projects based on conservation needs.

Mid Summer

June 20, 2020

Selected project submissions announced 


Tentative scheduling is announced. Scheduling depends on both internal capacity and, more importantly, the timelines for conservation and at Imaging Services.

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