Batch Forms
Batch Forms
- Each batch can only have a single Imaging Services service category
- Each batch must correspond to a single DRS content model: Still Image, PDS document
- Each batch must use the same DRS permissions flag (R or P)
- Select the correct batch form: bound or loose
- In the "Project" field, enter the project name. (This should match the activity name for Houghton and for Imaging Services)
- In the "Repository" field", enter Houghton.
- In the "DRS Billing Code" field, enter the billing code for the curatorial department.
- To determine the billing code, go to the DRS
- Under "Account Management," select "Owner Accounts".
- Go down the list, until you find the correct billing code.
- In the Batch ID field, enter batch number:
- First portion: FYXX. XX should refer to the year with underscore appearing after the it
- Second portion: the title of the project with each word separated by an underscore
- Third portion: the batch number
- Example: fy25_my_life_in_germany_03
- In the "Access Number" field enter the HOLLIS number.
- In the "# of items" field enter the number of items in the batch.
- In the "Note" field enter the call number and box number, if applicable.