Series Titles - 830 and 843 Fields
Series Titles - 830 and 843 Fields
Digital Projects that pull together related materials from across collections and acquisitions may benefit from being designated a series. In those situations there are two edits to add: one to the bibliographic record and one to the NET holdings record.
Bibliographic Record
830 | _0 $$a series name. $5 net |
Add an 830 field and fill in the above template.
Example: 830 _0 $$a Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation, and Freedom: Primary Sources from Houghton Library. $5 net
NET Holdings Record
843 | $$f (series name). |
Edit the 843 field to include "$$f (series name)." between the $$d and before the $$n
Example: $$f (Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation, and Freedom: Primary Sources from Houghton Library).