Processing Information Note Examples

Processing Information Note Examples

As of Fall 2024, information about collection processing and administrative work that we have traditionally captured in the scope and content note will now be recorded in the processing information note.

The processing information note field should contain information about any actions the archivist or creator of the records did to the collection that could impact a researcher's understanding of the collection or finding aid. Types of information can include how the materials came to the library, the archivist's decisions related to processing, and how the archivist handled specific formats.

The boilerplate statement below should appear after any collection-specific notes in the Processing Information Note section. (This statement is currently in the finding aid template):

Finding aids may be updated periodically to account for new acquisitions to the collection and/or revisions in arrangement and description, and these changes will be recorded.



Below are examples of the types of additional information to include in this note.  You may also end up identifying other tasks or situations related to your collection that you want to record in the processing information note.  If you have questions about this, feel free to reach out to Kelcy, Paula, or Laura.


Born-digital (what is there, what we did)

Electronic records were received on ninety 3.5" diskettes and 2 Zip disks. Disks were imaged using FTK Imager. Data on twenty-nine of the disks were unrecoverable. Selected data has been converted to PDF/A for preservation and delivery. In February 2023, entries for the electronic records (#E.1-E.20) were added to the finding aid.

XX’s web site is being captured periodically as part of Schlesinger Library’s web archiving program.


Condition of collection/how it arrived/general processing information

The collection, originally in storage facilities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Paris, France, lacked any recognizable original order; the 180 linear feet of papers were in a state of extreme disarray, and many items were found loose.

The archivist focused her efforts on creating order and limiting extensive cases of overlap; however, due to the nature of the documentation, and the interrelatedness among the activist causes supported by Farians, some overlap within and among series and subseries remain. 

Most of the material in the collection arrived at the Schlesinger Library foldered and arranged by Renew. The archivist has largely maintained the existing arrangement and folder titles. Folder titles created by the archivist appear in square brackets.

Where possible, original folder titles have been maintained and appear in quotation marks; remaining titles were created by the archivist. 


Addenda information

Additional materials were added to the collection in April 2021. These materials are housed in #262.1-262.8, 261F+B.11, OD.5. All other files remain in the same order. Folders are listed in intellectual, not numerical, order.



Most of the photographs in this collection are or will be digitized and available online.


Published Materials

Statement about published materials removed for cataloging will now be in the processing information note, and no longer in the separation record: "Published materials that were removed from the collection have been transferred to the Schlesinger Library books and printed materials collection and have been cataloged separately.”  However, if you are listing out titles or periodical issues, put these details in a separation record in the finding aid.

Also, if relevant, you can use the following language instead: "Books (when not heavily annotated) by and about the collection's creator and on subjects which fall within the Library's collecting area were removed and cataloged separately with information about their provenance; other books and serials were not retained." 


Boilerplate information that was previously included in the finding aid template and can be added if relevant (edit when necessary)

Did not retain the following materials: clippings that are not by or about the collection's creator; research files; financial documents such as checkbooks, cancelled checks, bank statements, etc. (when there is financial documentation at a higher level); invoices, receipts, orders, airline tickets, etc.; and envelopes (when they do not contain additional information).

Samples of weeded documents were retained and indicated in the finding aid.


For examples related to inclusive language updates in the processing information note, see Examples of Documenting Inclusive and Reparative Work section in the Inclusive and Reparative Language Guide.

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