Setting up XMetaL

Setting up XMetaL

We use the XML editor XMetaL to create finding aids.

When you get a new copy of XMetaL installed as part of computer refresh, or when a new version of XMetaL has been installed, you usually need to add some files in order to use our EAD template.

In Harvard University\Schlesinger Library - Documents\MANUSCRIPTS\XML\new 2009 schema there are two files:

ead.css (stylesheet)

ead.mcr (macros)

  1. Copy and paste* both files into Rules folder:   C:\Program Files\XMetaL 16.0\Author\Rules
  2. Copy and paste ead.css into Display folder:    C:\Program Files\XMetaL 16.0\Author\Display
  3. Copy and paste ead.mcr into Macros folder:   C:\Program Files\XMetaL 16.0\Author\Macros

*If you have synched SharePoint to your File explorer, right click on the file to copy and paste to the right folder.  If you are using SharePoint via the web, select Download from the menu bar, locate the downloaded file on your computer, and copy and paste it to the appropriate folders.

Test by opening a finding aid.  You will see it generate some customization files.  Then check to see if macros appear under Tools—Macros.

If for some reason you are denied access to the XMetaL folders, contact HUIT and let them know that you need administrator privileges on your computer.


Our template has tagging which allows our documents to automatically validate against the LOC schema (on the LOC website).  Some people keep a local copy of the schema on their hard drive, either in their XMeteL author folder or on their desktop. This is handy in situations where the LOC schema website is down (uncommon, but it does happen occasionally). The schema can be found here:

Harvard University\Schlesinger Library - Documents\MANUSCRIPTS\XML\new 2009 schema 

The schema is called ead.xsd


A note about macros: the shared macro file will only work on documents running the LOC schema.

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