Communicating with donors at the beginning of processing
Before surveying a collection, locate and read donor correspondence and deed of gift
The Deed of Gift (DOG) and all correspondence pertaining to the collection should be read prior to processing. The final version of the DOG (which sometimes supersedes earlier versions) and donor questionnaires on which the DOGs are sometimes based should exist in the database called DOG Tracker. You can access the files by clicking "guest" account when prompted.
Donor correspondence files are part of Schlesinger Library records. In December 2017, all active donor correspondence files were scanned, and that material included in DOG Tracker. Because inactive files have been added to the records at a variety of times, it is good practice to check the Schlesinger Library finding aid ( to locate inactive files that were sent to the Archives.
Carefully note the terms stipulated in the DOG. Copies of the DOGs are also located in the "Terms of Use" binders housed in the Curator of Manuscript's (Kathy Jacob's) office (Room 413).
If the DOG is missing from the DOG files, the donor correspondence files, and the Terms of Use binders, the donor will need to complete the donor questionnaire. There are two kinds of questionnaires: for donors of individual or family papers, and for donors of organizational records. Consult with the Curator of Manuscripts (who may already have a relationship with the donor) as to whether you or she will send the questionnaire.
If the Curator of Manuscripts decides that you should send a questionnaire to the donor, take the following steps:
- Obtain a blank copy of the appropriate questionnaire. These are the most recent files for individuals and for organizations; double check with the Curator to make sure they have not changed.
- Draft a letter to the donor explaining that the collection will be processed once the DOG is completed, and submit it to the Curator of Manuscripts.
- After revising the donor letter, make three copies.
- Obtain a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) from the Curator of Manuscripts. Print envelope and enclose letter, questionnaire and SASE. Place it in the outgoing mail tray, outside of the filing room, on the first floor.
- File the other two copies of your letter: one copy in the black "To file" folder and the other in the chronological file (which is in the first floor file room ("Current Month" folder).
If the donor has questions about the issues addressed in the questionnaire, please consult with the Curator of Manuscripts. Once this document is returned, the Curator of Manuscripts will create a DOG and mail it to the donor for her/his signature.
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