Adding addenda to existing MC numbers

Adding addenda to existing MC numbers

Addenda added to existing MC#s will be refoldered, labeled, and boxed separately at the end of the collection so that researchers who have already used the collection can easily locate newly-added material (if a stamp was originally used to label folders, please use the existing stamp to label new folders). 

In 2017, Research Services staff requested that we describe addenda in a separate (new) series, if possible. In some cases this may be the best way forward; in other cases it is preferable to add the material intellectually in the finding aid within an existing series, while still boxing it at the end of the series. Discuss with Kelcy and/or Ellen if you are unsure which model to use.

The guidelines below should be followed regardless of where in the finding aid you are listing the newly processed addenda.


New boxes added to collection:

Addenda should added to the end processing queue in the same manner as newly processed materials.  In select cases, the processor may end process addenda material.  Do not end process materials without discussing it with Kelcy and Johanna first.  If you are called upon to end process materials, please be sure to do the following. 

  • Retrieve barcodes for the existing boxes from the lateral file in Johanna's area and add new barcodes to the sheet.  Return completed barcode sheets to Johanna.
    • NOTE: Older collections may have barcode sheets that look different from current form. You should still try to add to existing sheets, but talk to Johanna if you have questions.
  • All of the boxes in a collection should be stored together, or at least in the same vault. 
    • If the collection is stored onsite, request a shelving location from Johanna.  Please include the number of boxes being added to the collection in your request. DO NOT SHELVE BOXES WITHOUT CONSULTING JOHANNA.
    • If there are new boxes to be sent to HD, pack them into gray bins in the HD room and place the bins in the HD prick up area.  
      • All cartons, file boxes, card boxes, and folio boxes should be placed in bins.  
      • If you need additional bins, ask Johanna to request more from HD.  
      • Once you have packed up your boxes, email Johanna with the number of bins and the number and type of oversize boxes that need to be shipped.

Fragile, closed, folio+, and oversize materials:

If fragile, closed, folio+, or oversize are created during the processing of addenda, they must be filed with existing folders of the same type that were created during the initial processing of the collection.  It is likely that the folders were filed in catch all file cabinets in vault 1 or 2, which will have been boxed up and sent to HD by the time addenda is processed.  To locate boxes and add materials, do the following: 

  1. Search the MC # in SLTracker's Notes field
  2. Recall relevant boxes from HD using SLTracker "create HD order" feature.  DO NOT PERMANENTLY WITHDRAW THE BARCODE(S).
  3. If possible, simply add new files to the existing boxes and return box to HD or vault
  4. If new materials won't fit in existing boxes, consult Johanna


If photographs to be cataloged are identified while processing addenda, do the following:

  1. Search VIA to determine if photographs from the initial collection have been cataloged
  2. Search the MC # in SLTracker's Notes field to see if there are photograph folders from the initial collection
  3. If you have folio+ or oversized photos to add to the collection, recall boxes containing existing photo folders from HD using SLTracker "create HD order" feature. DO NOT PERMANENTLY WITHDRAW THE BARCODE(S).
  4. Once you have completed steps 1-3, consult Joanne on how to proceed


EAD versions of finding aids for updating are stored on the R drive.  Copies of finding aids may be retrieved by Paula or Johanna.  To request a copy, email one or both of them with the eadid of the finding aid you want. 

Please note that there are issues concerning updating finding aids with links to digital content (websites, links to born digital content, digitized content).  Before you begin work on a collection with digital content, please discuss the collection with Johanna.

Local copies of finding aids should be discarded after ingest into ArchivesSpace.  Using local copies of finding aids can result in difficulties ingesting finding aids or even data loss if you aren't using the most recent version of the finding aid.

Browsing for a schema:

To access many older finding aids, you will need to browse for a schema.  The appearance of the below box means you will have to browse for the schema:


  1. Click OK
  2. Follow this path: G:\SCHLES\COLLECTION SERVICES\MANUSCRIPTS\XML\new 2009 schema\LCXlink schema
  3. Select ead.xsd

Metadata changes:

When adding addenda to collections, you are also responsible for updating the descriptive metadata in the finding aid to make it compliant with DACS rules and current local practices.  Common issues that need to be addressed included:

  • Removing outdated tagging (see specific tag instructions below)
  • Spelling our acronyms and abbreviations throughout the finding aid.  This includes replacing n.d. with undated.
  • In the inventory section, moving data from inside <unittitle> tags into appropriate tags

Below are specific instructions relating to fields that need to be updated to indicate the presence of new material.  Processors should also refer to our current EAD markup practices when updating finding aids.

Front matter <frontmatter>:

Front matter was eliminated from our new finding aids beginning in February 2017 as part of our adoption of ArchivesSpace as the repository for our finding aids. Since ArchivesSpace simply ignores the presence of front matter, there is no need to delete it from finding aids.  If the finding aid you are updating contains a <frontmatter> tag, please update the following fields.

  • Call number <num> if adding any a/v.  Be sure to separate call numbers with colons.
  • <titleproper> Update collection dates if necessary.  The <titleproper> visible only in the plain view must also be updated
  • If adding sponsor statement, create <sponsor> tag before <publisher>
  • Many fields in <frontmatter> live in the ArchivesSpace repository record, so tags matching those fields in ingested finding aids are dropped on ingest.  The <author>, <publisher>, <address>, <date>, and <p> tags are all dropped on ingest.  Dropped tags are highlighted below:

MC 685

Meredith, Ann P. Papers of Ann P. Meredith, ca.1870-2012 (inclusive), 1970-2012 (bulk): A Finding Aid

Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America

Processing of this collection was made possible by gifts from generous supporters of the Schlesinger Library to the Maximum Access Fund.
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
Cambridge, Mass.
May 2012

© 2012 President and Fellows of Harvard College

Updated July 2013

EAD tagging for Updated Date - If the following tag appears in the finding aid <p>Updated <date>July 2013</date></p>, delete it to make proofreading easier.  

Language – indicate any new languages included in added materials.

Abstract – indicate new formats, e.g., audiotapes, videotapes, diaries, etc., that were not formerly included in the collection.

Quantity – indicate new linear footage, number of boxes, folio/folio+/oversize/supersize folders, photograph folders, slides, objects, etc. Example:

Quantity: 24.15 linear ft. (49 and 1/2 file boxes, 1 folio box, 1 folio+ box, 1 oversize box) plus 3 supersize folders, 108 photograph folders, 44 folio photograph folders, 14 folio+ photograph folders, 4 oversize photograph folders, 4 supersize photograph folders, 3 crates, 5365 slides, 10 objects, electronic records.

Processing Information – If material is added by original processor Indicate only month and year finding aid was updated.  If material is added by a new processor, indicate name of new processor. Example:

Same processor

<processinfo><p>Processed: May 2012</p><p>Updated and additional materials added:<date>July 2013</date></p><p>By: Mark Vassar, with the assistance of Camille Torres.</p></processinfo>. 

If <date> or <persname> tags are present, please delete them.

New processor

<processinfo><p>Processed: November 2004</p><p>By: Andy Moore</p><p>Updated and additional materials added: <date>July 2013</date></p><p>By: Emily Gonzales</p></processinfo>. 

We are no longer marking up dates in <date> tags or the processor name in <persname> tag.  If the tags are present in your finding aid, please delete them.

A statement indicating when the additional materials came in, where they were added to the collection, etc., should be added to the introductory paragraph of the Processing Information Note. For example:

“Additional material received 2012-2013 (accession numbers 2012-M133, 2012-M225, 2013-M24) were added to the collection in July 2013. These materials are housed in #53.1-53.10, PD.228sl-PD.234sl.  All other files remain in the same order.  Folders are listed in intellectual, not numerical, order.”

Acquisition Information – Indicate new accession numbers in the following format: “Accession numbers: 2008-M68, 2008-M213, 2009-M42. Accession numbers: 2012-M133, 2012-M225, 2013-M24 were added in July 2013.”  Also, be sure to change the end year in the following statement: “The papers of Ann P. Meredith were acquired from Ann P Meredith by the Schlesinger Library between 2008 and 2013.”

We are no longer marking up accession numbers in <num> tags.  If the tags are present in your finding aid, please delete them.

Access Restrictions – Added material may have restrictions according to gift agreement or due to third party privacy.  Indicate additional folder restrictions.

Arrangement – List all new folders (or a/v, objects, etc.) added to collection in the appropriate series/subseries. Make necessary changes to date ranges of series/subseries. Remember to make these same changes in the Scope and Content and Container List. Example:

Series I. Biographical and personal, ca.1870-2012 (#1.1-30.10, 53.1-53.7, PD.1 - PD.8sl, PD.224)

Series II. Artwork, photography, and related, 1948-2011 (#30.11-49.4sl, 53.8-53.10, 50FB.1-50FB.4, 50FB.6-50FB.10, 51F+B.1-51F+B.10, 52OB.1-52OB.11, SD.1-SD.2, PD.9sl - PD.223, PD.225+ - PD.234sl)

ArchivesSpace does not accommodate nested lists, so if subseries are present in the arrangement listing in your finding aid, please delete them.


Container List – Add new folders to appropriate location in existing series. Example:

  • 29.1. Journal, March-April 2011
  • 29.2. Items removed from #29.1
  • 29.3. Journal, April-July 2011
  • 29.4. Journal, July-November 2011
  • 29.5. Journal, November 2011 - February 2012
  • 29.6. Loose journal entries, November 2011 - January 2012
  • 53.1. Journal, February-May 2012
  • 53.2. Items removed from #53.1; includes journal entries
  • 53.3. Journal, May-July 2012
  • 53.4. Journal, July-October 2012
  • 53.5. Items removed from #53.4
  • 53.6. Loose journal entries, June-December 2012 (scattered)
  • 53.7. Journal, October-December 2012

Remember to list newly-added folders in series/subseries folder ranges!

If necessary, copy the series and/or subseries descriptions to the series/subseries level of the finding aid.

Description of the contents of a folder or a piece of media should be entered into a scope and content note (<scopecontent>) in the item listing, rather than being included in the unit title (<unittitle>).  Item level scope and content notes go between the </did> and </c> of the listing.  Example:

<c level="item"><did><unitid>59.1. </unitid><unittitle>Correspondence, 1967.</unittitle></did><scopecontent><p>Includes Shirley Chisholm.</p></scopecontent></c>

Descriptions of audiovisual materials and objects should contain information about the physicality of the carriers or objects.  Information relating to physical aspects of an item should be entered in a <physfacet> tag nested inside of a <physdesc> tag.

The following data that should be in a <physfacet> tag:

  • The type of audiovisual carrier
  • The length of a recording
  • Statements concerning recording quality
  • Statements regarding irrelevant content on a carrier
  • Notes concerning blank space on carriers
  • Description of the physical appearance of an object

Added entries – If new accessions reflect a distinctly different topic than previously indicated, include appropriate added entries here. All name added entries should be reviewed.  If a name is established in NAF but lacks a death date and it’s likely the person is dead, the processor should search the internet and/or genealogical databases to find a death date.  When/if you find the death date, you should email Honor with the established name, the requested change to the name, the HOLLIS # of a record it is associated with, and a citation for where the information was found (ancestry or familysearch citation, link to Wikipedia or Find a Grave page, etc.). If the name isn’t established in NAF, the processor can leave the heading as is unless there are open life dates for individuals who are likely dead.  In those instances, the processor should search the internet and genealogical databases to find death dates and add them to the heading.  You may not use the same text string for an added entry when it has already been established for another identify.  In this case, you will need to qualify the name.  In other words, if the NAF already has Blumen, Mary, and it's clear that your Mary Blumen is not NAF's Mary Blumen, you must qualify your entry by adding other known information about your Mary Blumen. 

When updating a finding aid, compare the subject added entries in the finding aid to those in the HOLLIS record.  Where there is a discrepancy, change the entry in the finding aid to reflect the entry in HOLLIS.

Separation record – If material is removed from new accessions and transferred to printed materials division indicate accession numbers and item titles in existing separation record.

Alma ID – The Alma MMSID must be added to the finding aid to enable the harvesting of the finding aid for display in HOLLIS.  Since there isn't an EAD tag for that purpose, the number should be entered into a <processinfo> tag with a <header> of "Alma ID."  In the <p> tag, replace [HOLLIS #] with the number found in the HOLLIS Number field in the HOLLIS record.

Finding aids created prior to Harvard's Alma implementation in July 2018 contain a <processinfo> tag referencing Aleph (Alma's predecessor) numbers.  Harvard systems currently run a script to convert the Aleph number into an Alma MMSID, but the system information should be changed when updating a finding aid.

Bibliographic records: The following fields in the MARC record will also need to be updated:

245 – If the date range of the collection has changed it should be reflected here.

300 -  indicate new linear footage, number of boxes, folio/folio+/oversize/supersize folders, photograph folders, slides, objects, etc.

In rare instances the following fields may also need to be updated/added:

520 – edit only if a substantial amount of new formats are added that were not previously described in abstract, e.g., diaries, scrapbooks, audiotapes, videotapes, etc.

546 – add only if a substantial amount of material is added in a language other than previously described in this field.

600 - add if a substantial amount of new material by additional individual authors is added.

610 - add if a substantial amount of new material by or about corporate bodies is added.

650 - add if a substantial amount of new material regarding a new subject is added.

651 - add if a substantial amount of new material regarding a new geographic area is added.

655 – add only if new formats such as audiotapes, videotapes, etc. are added.

Holdings records:  The following fields in the holdings records will also need to be updated.

561 – range of acquisition dates should be corrected to reflect new material.

541 – date range and accession number range should be changed to reflect new material.

In rare instances the following fields may also need to be updated/added:

007 – edit if audiovisual material was added to collection when there previously was none.

506 – add if audiovisual material was added to collection when there previously was none or if restrictions are added.

852 – edit if audiovisual material was added to collection when there previously was none (T-xxx; Vt-xxx; CD-xx).

Finishing up:

  • When you are finished adding the addenda, email Johanna which accession numbers you added.  She will delete the accession records from SLTracker and record in the Archivists' Toolkit that they have been processed.
  • If you removed boxes from the vaults, email Johanna with the location and extent removed.  Extent should be recorded in containers, not linear feet (x cartons, x boxes, x ½ boxes).
  • Update blue card
  • If extent of collection has changed, create new shelf list card


Papers of M. F. K. Fisher

Theresa Goell papers

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