DOE proposal 2023
Nov 1 2023 pre-proposal deadline
Dec 1, 2023 proposal deadline.
Call for proposals: DE-FOA-0003177 .pdf
previous proposal narrative - Stubbs_20210118.docx
7/1/2021 - 3/31/2024 is current performance period
4/1/2024 - 3/31/2027 is next performance period
* training:
Stuart Marshall, grad student, SLAC tech staff working on Rubin camera
Gautham Narayan, grad student, faculty at Univ of Illinois and DESC leader
Michael Wood-Vasey, postdoc, faculty at Univ. Pitt and DESC leader
Brian Stalder, postdoc, Rubin project and ComCam leader.
Elana Urbach, postdoc transitioning to Rubin staff, IQ lead
Dillon Brout, past affiliated postdoc, now BU faculty and DESC convener.
Eske Pedersen, current postdoc. WL and atmospheric transmission and void cosmology.
Natasha Abrams- was undergrad in our group now Berkeley grad student, rising leader in DM/microlensing studies w Rubin.
Ali Kurmus, undergrad about to apply to grad schools
Larom Segev- undergrad recent addition
Brodi Ellwood, moved to CMB S4 project with Kovac
David Andrade, undergrad now on to grad school
Going Big book.
postdoc and grad student professional training
non-Rubin trainees:
* long-standing Rubin collab:
CWS management roles: member of Project Science team, senior brain trust. Founded SAWG and PCWG. past DESC senior advisor. Past lead scientist for science rafts and corner rafts in camera.
* Sept 2023 Chile trip:
pinhole camera tests for stray light, baffling improvements
masked disperser- before vs. after images from Sept runr
CBP shakedown in Tucson- flatness, collimation, charge integration CSC, loaaned laser that worked.
quadband filter
pseudo-aerosol determination
GPS installation prep
observing strategy optimization
first introduction of in-Project GPT-enabled analysis on Pachon summit, with Merlin. integration with DB and summit notebook env. Huge boost for commissioing.
strobed imaging and Dim Sum
do-it-all observing program for Aux Tel
lookup table for Aux Tel operations
thermal analysis of Aux Tel performance
IQ budget and astigmatism
thermal dome control and IQ focus
overall calib plan and support for that hardware
CBP engineering
French collab on CBP maturity
flatfielding and Aux Tel optimization
Aux tel sensitivity analysis and CWFS convergence criteria
solar cell calibration
consultation on national security aspects, both DOE and NSF
Oselots sky spectrograph
CBP calibrator
stuttered imaging, streak imaging, guider correlation analysis.
Brokered access to CfA engineering for project
Optimization of Aux Tel observations for extinction determination.
Publications (only 2021 and onwards)
On overleaf this takes a Google Scholar bibtex file and produces PDF doc of references:
\usepackage[style=numeric, sorting=ydnt, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\defbibheading{bibliography}[Cosmic Frontier, Stubbs Group Publications 21-23]{%
science papers:
gravity test void paper
pantheon analysis paper
SN photometric uncertainties - Sasha paper
APOLLO summary paper
GW followup papers
Hubble oscillation paper
windowing artifacts paper
calibration papers:
spectro paper
CBP papers with French
aerosol paper, in prep
white dwarf flux standards w HST- no direct DOE support but intellectual leadership there.
solar cell calibration papers
aerosols paper in prep
image quality papers and products:
CWFS ML paper
strobed dome seeing paper
DIMSUM paper in prep
thermal analysis of AuxTel
System optimization
LSST Observing strategy paper
Next-LSST strategies and optical fiber work with SLAC
Oselots sky spectrograph paper
PDF doc of papers here: DOE2023 papers
Aerosol determination
Impact of better seeing figure from Schmidt proposal
CBP image?
AI stuff?
Areas of focus for next proposal:
- workforce training
- image quality, include plot from Schmidt proposal
- Generative AI incorporation into Rubin
- precision calibration
- science optimization
- shift to data exploitation phase, post-shakedown.
budget elements
item | scope | |
psotdoc salary | 1 FTE | |
grad student salary | 1 FTE | |
undergrad stipends | 2 people, summer plus academic year | |
domestic travel (DESC meetings and PCW) | ||
materials and supplies | ||
publication charges |
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