SLAC computing notes

SLAC computing notes

September 21 2022: 

Rubin analysis is shifting from NCSA to SLAC. Need to use "windows" password and then use DUO for dual factor authentication. 

ssh USERNAME@s3dflogin.slac.stanford.edu

Some documentation here: 


Also here: 


To Move Image Files From SLAC to elsewhere, using command line tools: 

  1. log into SLAC with ssh user@s3dflogin.slac.stanford.edu
  2. shift onto one of their working nodes, with ssh rubin-devl
  3. make a directory under home directory, such as 'databuffer'
  4. cd to place where images reside on SLAC system. That is currently (Sept 25 2022) 
    1. for LATISS AuxTel images: /sdf/group/rubin/lsstdata/offline/instrument/LATISS
    2. for allsky camera images: /sdf/group/rubin/lsstdata/offline/allsky

4. from within that directory, copy (outwards) the desired images from nightly subdirectories into your ~/databuffer directory

5. from destination machine, do scp user@s3dflogin.slac.stanford.edu:~/databuffer/* .

This will prompt you for ssh password. 

Sept 30 2022. 

Data access at USDF

Notebook access URL:

Old notebooks from NCSA are at /sdf/group/rubin/ncsa-jhome/jhome/stubbs/notebooks 

added these lines to ~/notebooks/.user_setups:
setup -j summit_utils -r $HOME/u/repos/summit_utils
setup -j summit_extras -r $HOME/u/repos/summit_extras

Need to restart kernel. 

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