QuadNotch Analysis 2022
Figure is throughput in first (red) and second (blue) order for Semrock NF03-405-488-532-635E-50x50, adjusted for Rubin beam
data file of throughput, from vendor: SemrockQuadNotch.dat
Data used.
Used Rubin TV to identify quad-notch filter and Ronchi 170 lines/mm grating.
For 2021 Sept 8:
HUIT-FAS-MacBook-Stubbs:ut20210908 cstubbs$ cat FITSsummary.dat
# file MJDOBS exptime object airmass filter grating rotator focus median maxnoise
---------------bias frames ---------------
AT_O_20210908_000004- 59465.8409 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6725 0 5.61 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000005- 59465.841 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6726 0 6.19 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000006- 59465.8411 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6727 0 5.75 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000007- 59465.8411 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6727 0 6.26 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000008- 59465.8412 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6728 0 5.93 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000009- 59465.8412 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6728 0 5.81 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000010- 59465.8413 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6729 0 6.18 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000011- 59465.8413 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.673 0 5.91 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000012- 59465.8414 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.673 0 6.04 9.9
AT_O_20210908_000013- 59465.8414 0 'slew_icrs' 0 BG40 empty_1 115.6731 0 5.75 9.9
--------------dispersed images -----------------
AT_O_20210908_000174- 59466.1155 30 'HD 185975' 1.839 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 159.7795 0.037636 34.8 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000175- 59466.116 30 'HD 185975' 1.839 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 159.9684 0.037636 35.7 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000193- 59466.1273 30 'HD 185975' 1.84 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 164.2441 0.037636 34.1 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000194- 59466.1278 30 'HD 185975' 1.84 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 164.4335 0.037636 34.3 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000212- 59466.1392 30 'HD 185975' 1.843 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 168.7608 0.037636 36.1 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000213- 59466.1397 30 'HD 185975' 1.843 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 168.9519 0.037636 37 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000236- 59466.162 30 'HD 185975' 1.85 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 177.4017 0.033918 33.9 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000237- 59466.1625 30 'HD 185975' 1.85 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 177.5923 0.033918 35.1 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000498- 59466.252 30 'HD 185975' 1.902 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 211.5596 0.029994 27 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000499- 59466.2525 30 'HD 185975' 1.903 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 211.7513 0.029994 26.6 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000514- 59466.2614 30 'HD 185975' 1.91 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 215.1869 0.029994 25.9 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000515- 59466.2619 30 'HD 185975' 1.91 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 215.3785 0.029994 26.5 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000622- 59466.324 30 'HD 185975' 1.964 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 238.7461 0.0028539 34.4 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000623- 59466.3245 30 'HD 185975' 1.965 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 238.9358 0.0028539 33.9 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000651- 59466.3476 15 'HD 14943' 1.073 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 127.876 0.031635 14.6 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000652- 59466.3479 15 'HD 14943' 1.074 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 128.1684 0.031635 14 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000727- 59466.358 15 'HD 14943' 1.08 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 137.1976 0.031635 14.5 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000728- 59466.3584 15 'HD 14943' 1.08 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 137.4829 0.031635 14.5 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000802- 59466.3901 30 'HD 185975' 2.028 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 263.2932 0.011541 34.4 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000803- 59466.3906 30 'HD 185975' 2.028 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 263.4782 0.011541 33.6 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000818- 59466.3987 30 'HD 185975' 2.036 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 266.4849 0.011541 27.2 9.8
AT_O_20210908_000819- 59466.3992 30 'HD 185975' 2.037 quadnotch ronchi170lpm 266.6704 0.011541 27.4 9.8
Typical image, zoomed into spectrum:
Images were downloaded from SLAC repository, using method from Craig Lage:
The images are 16-segment FITS files, with names like
used MATLAB code QuadnotchInjest.m (that's a link) to
- read in separate segments, amp by amp
- compute and subtract row-by-row overscan
- measure read noise and typical sky flux values
- optional gain normalization (not done now)
- trim off 3 prescan pixels
- assemble full 16-amp FITS image as a single frame
- wipe out bad column and other garbage regions on image
- extract metadata from header (MJD, airmass, object ID, etc)
- optional y-binning (not used, didn't help)
- write out full image.
Note no multiplicative flat fielding applied. Dust spots will be an issue.
No cosmic ray rejection
No 2-d bias subtraction. This is a nontrivial effect and needs to be dealt with properly.
No correction for m=0 contamination from nearby stars
So Instrument Signature Removal (ISR) is pretty crude.
Result is a directory of quadnotch plus Ronchi images.
source extractor doc: Guide2source_extractor.pdf
another reference: http://astroweb.cwru.edu/steven/Virgo/SExtractor.html
Our goal is to assess whether photometry can be used to extract fluxes in the spectral regions of interest. Long term plan is to implement with DM/Rubin tools, but for now will use SourceExtractor.
Had to tweak the config file and convolution kernel to get what we want. Used
kernel for detection. 2022 Sept 7 version of SE config file: sex.config.
Key parameters were min pixels above threshold, SNR threshold, and deblending parameters.
Source extractor output parameter file: default.param
sex -c sex.config AT_O_20210908_000727-.full.fits
to get output file example:
This is using the image check.fits that shows detected sources in a color that matches their catalog value, and MATLAB rectangle tool to overplot regions from source catalog test.cat
Red boxes indicate extent of SE sources, using min and max X and Y values.
MATLAB rectangle tool used to draw these boxes- rectangle('Position',regions(6,:),'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',3)
How to get the 'regions' array from Source Extractor output file:
grep -v "#" test.cat | awk '{print $8,$9,($10-$8),($11-$9)}'. (computes lower corner and extent, for MATLAB rectangle command syntax).
cut and paste that 4-element per object array into regions array in matlab.
The sources we want are elongated, high flux, near 1800 in x, and oriented at 90 degrees (in SE convention). But theta is a signed angle and both +90 and -90 are valid for us. So to select sources of interest, do
cat test.cat | grep -v "#" | sed 's/-//' | awk '{if ($14 >= 85 && $15 >= 5 && $2<=2100 && $2>=1000) print $0'} > cut.cat
(the grep selection cuts out comment lines, and the sed substitution takes abs(theta). The awk piece selects on angle and elongation and position in x).
That produces a trimmed list of the 5 sources we want:
Sept 11, 2022
Changed the program to do 2-d bias subtraction, since bias structure is too large to ignore. Still not making any multiplicative flat-fielding corrections, yet.
We should use CBP with a slit and quartz lamp to get the kinds of flats we need, with the slit at the m=0 location of the star.
After additional fussing around with Source Extractor parameters I obtained better outcomes. Changed the shape of the background computation to a rectangle, and adjusted deblending parameters and source detection thresholds.
Computed flux ratios using FLUXAUTO which is apparently better behanved than FLUXBEST, according to SE for Dummies manual.
Here is most recently used version of sex.config file: 20220911sex.config
Changed the program to put entire image FITS header on top of the source catalog file for that image.
Flux ratios, when they satisfy certain quality criteria,
Example of flux ratios at 405/488 488/488 532/488 635/488 added onto FITSsummary.dat by hand, such that
cstubbs$ awk '{printf("%s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \n"), $1, $2, $4, $5,$6, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17}' FITSsummary.dat | grep -v "#" | grep 185975
Summary of HD 185975 : 185975.dat
Summary of HD 14943 : 14943.dat
MATLAB code, 20220911: QuadnotchInjestAndAnalyze.m
September 24, 2022.
Eske found a listing of all quadnotch data taken to date. Selecting out images of pole star HD 185075. These have the advantage of being at nearly fixed airmass, so we can look at temporal evolution with fixed stellar SED.
2020021900256 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.14923808304389
2020022000287 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.14808580284342
2020022000314 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.14047683039539
2020022000319 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.13546236403688
2020022000321 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.13440188692662
2020022000323 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.1329698330371
2020022000325 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.13149993021006
2020022000463 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.02746700017131
2020022000483 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 1.99866064021964
2020022100548 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.12254418512916
2020022100553 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.11714111531212
2020022100554 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.1168960594739
2020022100555 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.11647147226023
2020022100556 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.11625452459681
2020022100559 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.11460502860103
2020022100692 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.02642003037661
2020022100706 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 1.99438440238076
2020022100738 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 1.97916473830115
2020022100756 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 1.96840371352498
2020022100783 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 1.95377450516058
2020031200316 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.0233460886104
2020031200329 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.01495899047431
2021012000318 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.11696118658571
2021012100734 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.09174582871705
2021012100742 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.09676204574036
2021012100750 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.10007468693319
2021012100778 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.12132922099186
2021012100794 quadnotch1~ronchi90lpmm HD 185975 2.12971607264433
Using Craig Lage's back-door FITS file access trick:
went here:
chose notebooks in the cloud.
Downloaded the list of polar-star images above.
Tried running Source Extractor on the Ronchi 90 line/mm grating images but spectra are too blended for it to work well.
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