Chile Trip planning, 2023-2024

Chile Trip planning, 2023-2024

Dec 2023, Stubbs & Urbach


Upgrade DIMSUM- new lens, more sources, wider separation new mount- in progress

Dome and vent airflow measurements with wind speed sensor- Tues

Aux Tel dome slit vignetting tests vs. elevation angle. - needs engr time, no opportunity

Dream all-sky camera data access and analysis. Not accessible yet

Extinction tests with imaging data and with full-spectrum Aux Tel data. - Colin? 


DUMSUM2: Canon lens, new SD cards, battery eliminator, mechanical mounting parts, screws and bolt and fastners
Optical fibers, 

new baffle

SMA connectors for peg board

wind speed sensor (in Stubbs office)


large pegboard at Sodimac?- not avail

Bring next time (after Dec 2023)

large coffee mug

SMA-to-SMA fiber couplers


additional disks for DIMSUM

DIMSUM-2 for main dome

send large pegboard and SMA mount parts for DIMSUM-2

additinal ND filters. More fibers, with apprpropriate downsizing to 200 microns

LR44 batteries for calipers

pegboard extenders

Tasks for Feb 2024 trip

revise DIMSUM fiber arrangement to 16 x 200 um - done

test w varying sources - done

figure out mounting for long Thor labs rail in Aux Tel dome and main dome too - done for Aux Tel, premature for main dome

revise spectro scheduler - not done

talk w Merlin about integrating DIM SUM into Rubin TV - in progress

joint anemometer and DIMM and DIMSUM data collection - in progress

Work w Kevin on fan for DIMM Dome - not done

GAI - not done

find a location for DIMSUM2 in main dome - premature

find pegboard in storage locker - not done

EFD access and visit database - in progress

Bring next time:

IR camera for iphoneon hand
main dome dimsum - no, defer. Replaced by MOSS and 3-d anemometersdefer
scissorsget there
1-inch optics kitsent
storage unitsget there
LMST wall clockBought one but it failed. 
Made Python one instead

MOSS stuffNA
Python reference booksat home
tools for toolkitat home
weather balloon x 2in lab

Wed plan:

battery eliminators
wind speed measurements
AstroChat demo
EFD pointing from DIMM?

Feb 12 2024 notes:
Figured out MOSS mount for AuxTel dome

action items: 
Vent aux tel from 3 pm onwards
take calibration data in morning not evening, to keep dome open
do auto-expose during twilight
take sky flats, due to non-uniform pupil illumination
Clean exit window from white light source

Aug 12 2024. Stubbs will arrive Sept 8. 

Tasks for summitPre-requisitesnotes
organize and transfer group gear, inventoryaccess
clean all-sky camera domepermission
Move 3-d anemometer to main domecoordination

Tasks for La SerenaPre-requisitesnotes
procure helium regulator, etc
expand notebook to compare Windy predictions to Santo Domingo radiosonde

set up receiver and validate

access to DREAM data

follow up on Astro-chat, prepare talk for ESO meeting

make meeting schedule for each week. 

set aside calendar time for ESO GPT meeting

before leaving:

ship radio, antenna, balloons, balloon inflator, etc.

Chris' Chile Notes, 2024


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