AuxTel VPN and Static IP Notes and Instructions

AuxTel VPN and Static IP Notes and Instructions

AuxTel Remote Computer Access


Computer setup

  1. Send MAC addresses for computers you want to install in the AuxTel dome to Patrick Ingraham. He will create a Jira ticket (you can do this instead, if you're comfortable with Jira tickets) asking for DHCP reservations on RubinObs-LHN wifi.
    1. Note: it is worth adding your personal computer to RubinObs-LHN as well, because then you won't have to VPN into nublado or Chronograf while you're on the summit.
  2. Someone will complete the ticket, giving you a password to log onto the wifi, and your static IP address.
    1. Note: if it takes a while for this step to be completed, you can log into the computer into LSST-WAP using your personal credentials, and ssh in remotely on the summit or using VPN. This isn't a permanent solution, but it can work for a few days if you want to take data right away.
  3. Log onto RubinObs-LHN. The DHCP reservation should automatically fill in the new IP address.
  4. You can now remotely access the computer using a summit wifi network or a VPN when you're not on the summit. 
    1. For instance, with the Mac mini 2 listed below, this looks like: 

      ssh stubbslab@auxtel-macmini02.cp.lsst.org

VPN setup

  1. Submit a jira ticket asking for VPN access using the procedure described here: https://ittn-045.lsst.io
  2. Once the ticket is complete, you will be sent an email with the VPN config file you're supposed to use and you will follow the instructions here: VPN DOC.pdf

Current AuxTel Computers:

Mac mini 1 - auxtel-macmini01.cp.lsst.org -
Mac ID: 04:69:F8:DD:EE:87

Mac mini 2 - auxtel-macmini02.cp.lsst.org - (for anemometer, currently)
Mac ID: F8:FF:C2:09:A9:07

Mac mini 3 - auxtel-macmini03.cp.lsst.org - (for DIMSUM)
Mac ID: 3c:22:fb:ee:bd:02

system76 meerkat - auxtel-meerkat01.cp.lsst.org - (for differential temperature sensor, currently)
MAC ID is 1C:69:7A:A9:6C:B2

DHCP reservation on foreman.cp.lsst.org

System Scientific Linux - auxtel-sl01.cp.lsst.org -
Wireless: 98:22:ef:8e:f3:f3
DHCP reservation on foreman and DNS record on AWS Route53
Login over ssh via VPN: ssh stubbslab@auxtel-sl01.cp.lsst.org

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