AuxTel VPN and Static IP Notes and Instructions
AuxTel Remote Computer Access
Computer setup
- Send MAC addresses for computers you want to install in the AuxTel dome to Patrick Ingraham. He will create a Jira ticket (you can do this instead, if you're comfortable with Jira tickets) asking for DHCP reservations on RubinObs-LHN wifi.
- Note: it is worth adding your personal computer to RubinObs-LHN as well, because then you won't have to VPN into nublado or Chronograf while you're on the summit.
- Someone will complete the ticket, giving you a password to log onto the wifi, and your static IP address.
- Note: if it takes a while for this step to be completed, you can log into the computer into LSST-WAP using your personal credentials, and ssh in remotely on the summit or using VPN. This isn't a permanent solution, but it can work for a few days if you want to take data right away.
- Log onto RubinObs-LHN. The DHCP reservation should automatically fill in the new IP address.
- You can now remotely access the computer using a summit wifi network or a VPN when you're not on the summit.
- For instance, with the Mac mini 2 listed below, this looks like:
VPN setup
- Submit a jira ticket asking for VPN access using the procedure described here:
- Once the ticket is complete, you will be sent an email with the VPN config file you're supposed to use and you will follow the instructions here: VPN DOC.pdf
Current AuxTel Computers:
Mac mini 1 - -
Mac ID: 04:69:F8:DD:EE:87
Mac mini 2 - - (for anemometer, currently)
Mac ID: F8:FF:C2:09:A9:07
Mac mini 3 - - (for DIMSUM)
Mac ID: 3c:22:fb:ee:bd:02
system76 meerkat - - (for differential temperature sensor, currently)
MAC ID is 1C:69:7A:A9:6C:B2
DHCP reservation on
System Scientific Linux - -
Wireless: 98:22:ef:8e:f3:f3
DHCP reservation on foreman and DNS record on AWS Route53
Login over ssh via VPN: ssh
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