Disk imaging obsolete media

Written by Ella Lesatele and Jen Weintraub 

Status:  Incomplete


Set up directories and tracking spreadsheets for each collection on R: --BornDigital In house


Disk Image (for 3.5” floppy discs):

  • Open FTK Imager. Make sure the correct drive is plugged into the computer.

  • Look at disk and be sure it is locked (ie little black sliding tab on right side is clicked so you can see through the hole).  This makes it unwriteable. 

  • Insert media in the drive, label-side up, metal-side in.

  • In the File menu, select ‘Create Disk Image’.

  • When ‘Select Source’ pops up, select ‘Logical Drive’ and click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Select Drive’ pops up, choose ‘A:\[FAT] and click on ‘Finish’.

  • When ‘Create Image’ pops up, click on ‘Add’.

  • When ‘Select Image Type’ pops up, select ‘Raw’ and click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Evidence Item Information’ pops up, enter the Case Number (eg ‘Data-152_49’), Evidence Number (eg ‘49’) and Examiner (your name). Click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Select Image Destination’ pops up, use Browse to find the correct folder (eg ‘R:\Born-digitalDataInHouse\Data-152\Data-152_49’). Use the case number (eg ‘Data-152_49’) for the ‘Image Filename’ box. Click on ‘Finish’.

  • In the ‘Create Image’ box, click ‘Start’. Wait for the data to transfer (usually 1-3 minutes).

  • Click on ‘Close’ for the ‘Verify Results’ pop-ups.

  • Remove the media from the drive.

  • Note result in the spreadsheet.

  • Take photo of the disk itself and put in the folder.  

Disk Image (for Zip discs):

  • Open FTK Imager. Make sure the correct drive is plugged into the computer.

  • Insert media in the Zip drive, label-side up.

  • In the File menu, select ‘Create Disk Image’.

  • When ‘Select Source’ pops up, select ‘Physical Drive’ and click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Select Drive’ pops up, choose ‘Iomega Zip’ and click on ‘Finish’.

  • When ‘Create Image’ pops up, click on ‘Add’.

  • When ‘Select Image Type’ pops up, select ‘Raw’ and click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Select Image Destination’ pops up, use Browse to find the correct folder (eg ‘R:\Born-digitalDataInHouse\Data-152\Data-152_49’). Use the case number (eg ‘Data-152_49’) for the ‘Image Filename’ box. Click on ‘Finish’.

  • In the ‘Create Image’ box, click ‘Start’. Wait for the data to transfer (usually 1-5 minutes).

  • Click on ‘Close’ for the ‘Verify Results’ pop-ups.

  • Remove the media from the drive. If it has a case, replace it in the case.

  • Note result in the spreadsheet.

  • Take photo of the disk itself and put in the folder.  

Disk Image (for CDs):

  • Open FTK Imager.

  • Insert media in the CD/DVD drive, label-side-up.

  • In the File menu, select ‘Create Disk Image’.

  • When ‘Select Source’ pops up, select ‘Logical Drive’’ and click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Select Drive’ pops up, choose ‘D’ and click on ‘Finish’.

  • When ‘Create Image’ pops up, click on ‘Add’.

  • When ‘Select Image Type’ pops up, select ‘Raw’ and click on ‘Next’.

  • When ‘Select Image Destination’ pops up, use Browse to find the correct folder (eg ‘R:\Born-digitalDataInHouse\Data-152\Data-152_49’). Use the case number (eg ‘Data-152_49’) for the ‘Image Filename’ box. Click on ‘Finish’.

  • In the ‘Create Image’ box, click ‘Start’. Wait for the data to transfer. (Can be up to 10 minutes).

  • Click on ‘Close’ for the ‘Verify Results’ pop-ups.

  • Remove the media from the drive. If it has a case or an envelope, replace it.

  • Note result in the spreadsheet.

  • Take photo of the disk itself and put in the folder.  

Disk Image (for 5 ¼” Floppies)


  • In the Start menu, select “USB Floppy 5.25”, then “Disk Image and Browse”

  • Choose the disk type (will usually be Apple Pro Dos, or MSDOS, either 1200 or 360K)

  • In the Output Image Directory, specify a path to the C (public) drive. It will look like this: C:\Users\Public\Disk images

  • The Output Image Filename should be the item name (eg. “Data-003_123.img”) Make sure the .img is there before you start! This should automatically update to the next number in the sequence.

  • Make sure the drive is plugged in. Gently insert the disk label-side-up and label-side-out. When it is all the way in,  push the lever down until it clicks.

  • Click on “Capture Image Disk File”. A box will pop up showing the progress. If it reads properly, click on “Yay!” to advance the filename number. If “Bummer.” pops up, make a note of the error message and click on it to advance the filename number.

  • Move the lever up to remove the disk. If it has an envelope, replace it.  


  • Open FTK Imager. Under “File”, choose “Add Evidence Item”.

  • Select “Image File” for source.

  • For Source Path, use browse to find your item’s file (eg. “Data-003_123”) in the Public drive.

  • When it shows up in the Evidence Tree, go to “File” and select “Export File Hash List”.

  • Use the same filename, but with a .csv as the extension. This will generate an Excel file.

  • Update the spreadsheet


Disk Image  (via Kryoflux)  (NEEDS MORE WORK)

  • Plug the Kryoflux unit to the drive, then the computer.

  • Plug in the power cord. If the red light does not come on in the Kryoflux unit, unplug from the power source and check other connections first.

  • The Kryoflux interface is at C\kryo\dtc\kryoflux-ui.jar.

  • Name the disk without a file extension (ex. Data-078_101)

  • Under File - Settings - Output, make sure the image path is going to the right folder (C:\kryo\dtc\Data-078)

  • For format, choose Apple DOS 400K / 800K sector image from the drop down menu (if you know it is a mac disk)

  • Click start.

  • Update spreadsheet.


 For Both 5 1/4 in disks and Kryoflux files you need to create "bags" for the files and transfer them to R, as you have to image them to the c drive. 

Process:  still to come.

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