Cataloging Services for Collection Digitization

Collection Digitization: Integrated Cataloging Support Services 

The impact and utility of digitized collections hinges on how well items are described, and how frequently the items appear in relevant searches. In preparing Harvard materials for digitization, descriptive metadata records are improved or created—sometimes describing resources previously unknown to scholars. Excellent cataloging greatly leverages the library's investment in digitization. 

As a component of the digitization process, Imaging Services may provide cataloging and related advisory services to its Harvard Library project-partners. See service descriptions below. 

Cataloging Services Offered 

Cataloging Service Levels/Options Offered for Print Material 

1. Recommended Option: Cataloging Assessment/Revision 

Materials receive a consistent level of cataloging processing established by Imaging Services for print, visual, and born-digital materials for the purpose of enhanced discoverability and compatibility with future ILS systems. 

Recommended Option details: 

Imaging Services will apply some or all of the following services as applicable: 

  • Search in Alma to match items-in-hand (by title, call number or item record) 
  • Search online databases for acceptable match for items-in-hand (i.e., OCLC, Google Books, Hathi Trust, Internet Archive) 
  • If an acceptable match is found add MARC 583 note to paper holding in Alma [or Imaging Services might decide to proceed with digitization]*
  • Upgrade cataloging including, but not limited to: 
    • Provide original cataloging of print, visual materials, and born-digital items if necessary 
    • Re-catalog according to RDA (Resource Description and Access) standards, if not already RDA compliant 
    • Correct bibliographic inaccuracies, if any, that impact discoverability of item (i.e., typos, errors in physical description, incorrect bibliographic record for item-in-hand, etc.) 
    • Add MARC fields to bibliographic record when appropriate for access and discovery (e.g., 490/830, 5xx, 6xx, 7xx fields) 
    • Authority control [NACO] 
    • Update and/or create holdings for multi-part monograph and serial materials 
    • Add project series title (MARC 830) (if applicable) and NET holding  
    • Include printout of bibliographic record and any other paperwork with each item 

NOTES: The owning repository determines if the electronic record (via the NET holding record) should be exported to OCLC. *Owning repository can choose to digitize all materials in collection regardless of existing digital copy in Google, Hathi Trust, etc. depending on their allocation for the project.

Recommended Option Examples: 

Example monograph in Alma: MMS ID 990076880380203941 

Example serial in Alma: MMS ID 990046622340203941 

2. Alternative Option: Add Project Name in MARC 830 of the bibliographic record and in the NET Holdings 

Materials searched in Alma; MARC 830 (if applicable) and NET holdings only added. No bibliographic update or upgrade and/or repositories will perform this service locally. 

Alternative Option details: 

  • Search in Alma to match items-in-hand (title, call number or item record) 
  • Bibliographic record remains as found 
  • Add appropriate Cataloging Source code/830 (if applicable) and NET holding 
  • Include printout of bibliographic record and any other paperwork with each item 

Alternative Option Examples: 

Example monograph in Alma: MMS ID 990053828550203941 

Example serial in Alma: MMS ID 990080790170203941 

Cataloging Service Offered for Visual Material (VM) 

  • Edit existing or create original records for VM in Alma and/or create, verify, or augment metadata in external applications (i.e., JSTOR Forum) and databases (i.e., ACCESS, Excel, etc.) 
  • VM can be processed either at repositories or materials can be sent to Widener 
  • QC of materials in JSTOR Forum, etc. after completion of digitization process 

Example VM in Alma: MMS ID 990096899360203941 

Example VM in HOLLIS Images: Angus McBean photographs, 1936-1970 

Cataloging Service Offered for Collections

  • In consultation with repositories, edit existing or create collection-level records in Alma for groups of monographic, serial, or archival materials not deemed befitting of item-level description. 
  • In consultation with repositories, work with existing finding aids for archival collections when appropriate to enhance description and access. 

Example collection record for archival materials in Alma: MMS ID 990076465960203941 

Example finding aid in Alma: MMS ID 99153757211403941 

* Note: Some Alma examples included in this document contain the former OCLC symbol HMM in MARC 040 of the bibliographic record. The HMM symbol was consolidated to the HUL symbol in OCLC (8/2020). 

Provisioning Cataloging Services and Associated Costs 

Project cataloging-needs will be determined during the development of project specifications and work plans. 

Within the context of an Imaging Services project, cataloging services are provided at no cost, based on need and availability. 

Reference Pages:

Best Practices for NET holdings for locally Digitized Materials (updated 10/13/22)

Harvard Library Best Practices: Metadata Best Practices (updated 9/8/22)

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