Harvard Library Electronic Bookplates
Harvard libraries have the option to display electronic bookplates in HOLLIS. This workflow involves several Harvard Library units. Imaging Services (IS) provides scanning and depositing services.
Here are the basic STEPS for enabling electronic bookplates within HOLLIS:
Prepare the bookplates (performed by owning repository staff, or designee)
Select the bookplates to be used (paper or electronic copies of the bookplates are acceptable)
Identify the TUB number and FUND number for each fund related bookplate. Name the bookplate file using these numbers if the bookplate is in electronic form. For example: the HCL's "Irving J. and Rose Greenwald Lewis Book Fund" number is 565406, and the HCL TUB is 415. Knowing this, the bookplate file name will be 415_565406.
- Identify the TUB number and assign a 6 characters code for each gift bookplate. Name the bookplate file using the TUB and six-character code if the bookplate is in already in electronic form. For example, a gift bookplate with TUB 415 and code ABCDEF will have a file name GIFT_415_ABCDEF.
- Create a scanning cover sheet for each bookplate that requires scanning.
- The scanning coversheet includes the name of bookplate fund, and the filename that needs to be assigned to the scanned image of the bookplate. Example bookplate scanning coversheet: http://goo.gl/Q3uxQp
- Obtain the CoA code used to cover bookplates digitization cost (Imaging Services usually don't charge for scanning and depositing the bookplates unless a large number of bookplates need to be done in a short period of time).
Obtain the DRS owner and DRS billing code information for the bookplates.
- Resource: DRS digital object owner FAQ
Obtain the email address(es) for staff that should receive the DRS deposit confirmation reports and URNs.
Submitting the bookplates to IS with information gathered during STEP 1 (performed by owning repository staff, or designee)
Drop off the bookplates to Preservation's Patron Services office (Widener G81, 10AM -- 2PM, M–F)
- Again, each bookplate submitted for scanning needs its own scanning coversheet (described above, in step 1).
Please mark the package as "Bookplate Digitization"
Once receiving the package, IS will typically have scanned and deposited the bookplates within two weeks
Scanning and depositing the bookplates (performed by IS)
- Scan and process the bookplates.
- Generate lossy JPEG2000 versions of the bookplates.
- Deposit bookplates files to DRS. A DRS deposit report will be sent to the address(es) provided for receiving DRS report notification.
Generating URN names (performed by IS)
- Assign two URNs for each bookplate for each bookplate.
- For each URN, an email will be sent to the address(es) provided for receiving URN name notification.
- Assign two URNs for each bookplate for each bookplate.
Submit display text to LTS (performed by owning repository staff)
- For fund related bookplates, submit a request to LTS via the Aleph Support Center that includes the TUB and FUND numbers, and the the brief text to be displayed in Hollis (e.g., "Acquired by the Irving J. and Rose Greenwald Lewis Book Fund").
- For gift bookplates, submit a request to LTS via the Aleph Support Center with TUB and the previously assigned (see STEP 1) six character gift code, and the the brief text to be displayed in Hollis.
[ if this step was taken before the depositing and URN generation, please notify LTS that the images have been deposited and that the URNs are ready. ]
Populating HBP tag in bib and configuring HOLLIS to display new fund (performed by LTS)
Configures HOLLIS to display new fund or gift bookplates
- Populate HBP tag in bib (owning repositories and the units on behalf of owning repositories may need to do this manually for gift bookplates. please consult Aleph Support Center to clarify.)
Here is the detail documentation for the process: Electronic Bookplates in HOLLIS+
Here is an electronic bookplate in Hollis: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/000382945/catalog
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