1. How does one request collections digitization services from Imaging Services?
Submitting a project proposal is the first step toward getting your project into our project digitization work queue. See Request collections digitization services from Imaging Services for detailed instructions.
2. Who can submit a project proposal?
Proposals can originate with librarians, faculty, or other members of the Harvard community. All proposals require Library sponsorship.
3. How do I arrange a collection review with Imaging Services?
Reviewing collections proposed for digitization is an early step in the process. These reviews are prompted by a digitization proposal submission, and are coordinated by Imaging Services staff. If you are working with Imaging Services on a project, and have new content you’d like to include, Imaging Services staff can work with Preservation Services to arrange a collections review. See Overview of Digitization Project Workflow for details.
4. Can Imaging Services deposit digital images we acquired or produced into the DRS?
Yes. Please see DRS Deposit Service for Content not Produced by Imaging Services for details.
5. What is the batch transfer form? Where can I get one?
Please see Batch Transfer Forms and Templates page for details and links.
6. What is the METS spreadsheets? Where can I get the templates?
Please see Spreadsheets for PDS Object Label and Structure page for details and links.
7. Can Imaging Services help with my cataloging needs associated with my digitization project?
Please see Cataloging Services for Collection Digitization page for details.
8. Can Imaging Services help prepare my collection for digitization?
Please see Material Preparation Services for Collection Digitization page for details.
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