Exam scanning
Exam scanning
Our staff and equipment are fully scheduled to work on library projects. Requests to scan exams for instructors are considered case-by-case to determine whether machine and staff availability match instructor needs and scheduling requirements.
Please contact us at least one month in advance to arrange quick-turnaround exam scanning services aligned with your scheduled exams. Last-minute requests cannot be accommodated.
Questions for instructors:
When would the instructor like to drop off the exams at Widener, Room G81 (Imaging Services)? Please specify both TIME and DATE.
When would the instructor like to retrieve the scanned exams at Widener, Room G81? Please specify both TIME and DATE.
Please estimate the number of sheets to be scanned.
Please provide an HU billing code for payment.
The exams must be 8.5 x 11" loose sheets. Both page-sides will be scanned, regardless of whether a side is marked.
- If exams are stapled, staples must be removed. If the Library's Preservation Services group has sufficient staff and equipment availability, they may be able to chop off the stapled corner of exams, provided exams are all stapled in the same place, angled and located close to the page-edge. Please ask, if interested.
- Exams will not be re-stapled after scanning.
Each sheet-side (front and back) must include the student's name (or identifier) so that if pages are scanned out-of-order they can be associated with the student via manual review (by the course staff), if necessary.
- $0.15 per page-image generated. (2 page-images will be generated per sheet scanned)
- Bitonal TIFF images (can be used to generate PDF files)
- Color JP2 images (can be used to generate PDF files)
- Image-only PDF files (needed for gradescope, where each PDF file includes as many exams as is technically practical).
Compliance with HU Security policies
- Student exams are designated data security Level 3, per Harvard University Security Policy. As such, data transfer is restricted to devices and collaboration systems verified to be Level 3 compliant.
- If possible, we will transfer scanned data via filetransfer.harvard.edu (aka, Kiteworks).
- In cases where data needs to be exchanged via encrypted USB memory stick, Imaging Services will provide the USB device at the cost of $100. University security policy forbids our use of patron-provided devices.
Exam data will be deleted from IS drives soon after the exams and data have been delivered. Please confirm via email that delivery is complete and satisfactory, ASAP.
- Instructor confirms, ASAP, via email that the data delivered is complete and satisfactory.
- Imaging Services promptly deletes exam data from our systems.
- Instructor promptly returns encrypted USB stick to Imaging Services business office, Widener Library, Room G81.
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