Digital Reserves Image Scanning

Digital Reserves Image Scanning

Receiving Books from Access Services

  1. Access Services identifies books to be scanned.
  2. Access Services updates the shared spreadsheets with identified books.
  3. Access Services delivers books to a shelf on D-Level, Widener Library.

Batching and Tracking

  1. Imaging Services (IS) will assemble the books into batches based on owning repository, page count, disbind-status, and move batches into proper production stream.
    1. If the books cannot be disbound, they will be delivered to our high-volume digital scanning studio (D20).
    2. If the books can be disbound, they will be sent to Collections Care for disbinding. When the books are returned to IS, they will be sent to our high-speed sheet-fed scanner.
  2. IS will create orders in Aeon to track the production status, page count, and cost.

Note: The images from bound and sheet-fed workstations are slightly different.

Image Scanning and Quality Control

  • IS will treat the Digital Reserves batches as high priority
  • The images will be saved as 300 dpi color TIFF
  • The image filename will be [MMSID]_####.tif or [MMSID]_V###_####.tif (if the book is one of the volumes in a series).
  • Quality Control (QC) will include:
    • Checking for completeness
    • Checking the image quality
  • After QC, scanning unit will notify the processing and depositing unit that scanning has been completed.

Image Processing and Uploading

  1. Processing and uploading unit will run a script to:
    1. generate ALTO files from the TIFF images (the MMSID will be used to retrieve language code(s) from the cataloging system);
    2. generate medium quality  (quality: 92) full-size JPEG files from the TIFF images;
    3. generate meta file metadata-[MMSID].xml for ALMA-D uploading;
    4. save the metadata XML file, ALTO and JPEG files for the books to a staging area on the IS file server.
  2. Processing and uploading unit will move the files (XML, ALTO, and JPEG) from staging area to a NextCloud local directory.
  3. A tracking file for the day will be saved in a NextCloud local directory. The file contains the MMSID, the date the items were added into the cloud, and the estimated date the item to be loaded into ALMA.
  4. The NextCloud local directories will be synchronized with the server.

Imaging Services Contact Information

Imaging Services Office: imaging@fas.harvard.edu
Bill Comstock: comstock@fas.harvard.edu
Mingtao Zhao: mzhao@fas.harvard.edu
Hilary Kline: kline@fas.harvard.edu
Kai Fay: kfay@fas.harvard.edu

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