Digital Reserves Image Scanning
Digital Reserves Image Scanning
Receiving Books from Access Services
- Access Services identifies books to be scanned.
- Access Services updates the shared spreadsheets with identified books.
- Access Services delivers books to a shelf on D-Level, Widener Library.
Batching and Tracking
- Imaging Services (IS) will assemble the books into batches based on owning repository, page count, disbind-status, and move batches into proper production stream.
- If the books cannot be disbound, they will be delivered to our high-volume digital scanning studio (D20).
- If the books can be disbound, they will be sent to Collections Care for disbinding. When the books are returned to IS, they will be sent to our high-speed sheet-fed scanner.
- IS will create orders in Aeon to track the production status, page count, and cost.
Note: The images from bound and sheet-fed workstations are slightly different.
- A book scanned as bound at one of our scanning workstations
- A book scanned at high-speed sheet-fed scanner
Image Scanning and Quality Control
- IS will treat the Digital Reserves batches as high priority
- The images will be saved as 300 dpi color TIFF
- The image filename will be [MMSID]_####.tif or [MMSID]_V###_####.tif (if the book is one of the volumes in a series).
- Quality Control (QC) will include:
- Checking for completeness
- Checking the image quality
- After QC, scanning unit will notify the processing and depositing unit that scanning has been completed.
Image Processing and Uploading
- Processing and uploading unit will run a script to:
- generate ALTO files from the TIFF images (the MMSID will be used to retrieve language code(s) from the cataloging system);
- generate medium quality (quality: 92) full-size JPEG files from the TIFF images;
- generate meta file metadata-[MMSID].xml for ALMA-D uploading;
- save the metadata XML file, ALTO and JPEG files for the books to a staging area on the IS file server.
- Processing and uploading unit will move the files (XML, ALTO, and JPEG) from staging area to a NextCloud local directory.
- A tracking file for the day will be saved in a NextCloud local directory. The file contains the MMSID, the date the items were added into the cloud, and the estimated date the item to be loaded into ALMA.
- The NextCloud local directories will be synchronized with the server.
Imaging Services Contact Information
Imaging Services Office: imaging@fas.harvard.edu
Bill Comstock: comstock@fas.harvard.edu
Mingtao Zhao: mzhao@fas.harvard.edu
Hilary Kline: kline@fas.harvard.edu
Kai Fay: kfay@fas.harvard.edu
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