Project Spreadsheets

Project Spreadsheets


Each digital project has its own spreadsheet documenting the project's process. The details of each spreadsheet may differ slightly to meet the individual project's need, but the overall structure is the same. Some of the data in the spreadsheet is directed at project tracking for stakeholders, and other information is more related to the digitization workflow itself. 

Basic Project Spreadsheet

A project spreadsheet is generally made of six elements, as illustrated in the above image.

A. - Color Code

The top row of each spreadsheet is used as a color code for item progress and location. Each item in a spreadsheet is tracked individually.

B. -Last Status Change

The first column in the spreadsheet is used to marked status change, which is visually represented by a change in color coding. In the above example, cell A9 is contains the date "06-Dec-18," meaning that the item was coded yellow for "In Imaging" on that date.

C. -Object ID

The second column contains the object ID for each item. This ID is required for the creation of digital objects and DRS deposit.

D. -Hollis Number

The third column contains the Hollis number for each item. The sample spreadsheet above lists items with a shared Hollis number, but other projects might have a unique Hollis number for each item.

E. -Finding Aid URN

The forth column contains the link for the Hollis for Archival Discovery finding aid. The sample spreadsheet includes items that are described in a finding aid, but projects that do not will not have this column.

F. -Object Label

The fifth column contains the object label. This descriptive information is necessary for the creation of digital objects.



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