KIC Scanner Instructions

KIC Scanner Instructions

Below are general instructions for the KIC Scanner.

1. Place document face up on scanning bed.

2. Using touch screen at far right of scanning bed, click “Scan”.

3. Read and accept copyright restrictions.

4. To adjust color or resolution, click on the “Advanced” tab. 

            a. The default settings are color and 200 dpi.

5. To return to the previous screen click “Return to Default Interface”.

6. Continue scanning material.

7. To crop select the image:

            a. Click on “Modify Image”.

            b. Click on “Crop”.

            c. Drag mouse to resize.

            d. Click on “Crop” again.

            e. To return to the previous screen: click “Scan/Save”.

8..Delete images not needed.

9. When all pages are scanned and configured click “Save or Send”:

            a. Step 1: select file format (usually PDF)

            b. Step 2: choose save

            c. Step 3: after saving, click on “End Session”.