Delivery & Pick Up
Delivery & Pick Up
Below are instructions on delivery of materials from Houghton to Imaging and the return of materials to Houghton. Current security procedures require an additional staff member or student when transporting material through public areas.
- Place items to be delivered on table with corresponding orders.
- The photographers will sign and date orders. One copy will be retained by Houghton and the other by Imaging Services.
- If the item cannot stay at the studio, the photographers will date and sign the order. The Reproductions Coordinator will countersign the material out and take it back to Houghton.
- Place the signed orders in the folder on the truck in numerical order.
- Check the return closet. To return material to Houghton:
- Keep the studio order with the material but find the Houghton copy of the same order in the folder on truck.
- Set aside studio order, and place Houghton copy with material.
- Move material to truck.
- Sign studio order.
- Place signed studio order in bin on desk.
- Place items to be delivered on counter with the corresponding orders.
- Staff will sign with the date. One copy will be retained by Houghton and the other by Imaging Services.
- Place the signed orders in the folder on the truck in numerical order.
- Check return shelf. To return material to Houghton:
- Keep the lab order with the material but find the Houghton copy of the same order in
b. Set aside lab order, and place Houghton copy with material.
c. Move material with Houghton copy to truck.
d. Sign lab order.
e. Place signed lab order on counter.
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