Creating PDS Document List Object Batches

Creating PDS Document List Object Batches



A PDS Documents List object is a listing of PDS Document objects. The PDS Document List object doesn’t have any files. Its main component is an xml structure file that tells which PDS Objects are part of this List object and what order the individual PDS Objects are in. The intended use of the PDS List objects is to organize PDS Documents that are related to each other, for example, a run of serials or a multi-volume work.
All PDS Document List objects automatically get assigned public delivery service URNs, which resolve to the List View Delivery Service URLs. The links from the List View lead to individual PDS Documents.

Manually create PDS Document List objects from template

This is a description of the process to manually create a PDS Document List object batch using Batch Builder 2 (BB). 

Procedure summary:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Enter DRS deposit settings
  3. Create object template
  4. Create a new object batch
  5. Process the batch
  6. Upload batch to dropbox
  7. Check load report in email

What you need before you start:

  • Decide what you will use for Owner Supplied Names for your object. For instance, you could use local classification numbers, local accession numbers, or an Aleph or Alma ID.
  • To add PDS Documents (that already exist in the DRS) to the PDS Document List at the time of deposit you need to supply DRS ID or OSN or DRS URN of each PDS Document object in Batch Builder Optional metadata panel in the PDS Document List project.  You can also supply optional “alternate label” for each PDS Document (to be used as the hot linked label for the document in the List View delivery application). If you don’t supply the text for the “alternate label,” the text of the hot linked label will be extracted from the METS label of the PDS document (if it isn’t blank) or from the PDS Document Owner Supplied Name (if the METS label is blank).
  • If you want to add many PDS Documents at once to every PDS Document List object in a batch, prepare a CSV file with two columns. Column one should contain  the DRS ID or OSN or DRS URN (with the urn-3 prefix).  Column two should contain an optional label for the PDS Document.  The file needs to be named pdsobjects.csv and placed into the batch directory before processing.


Start at Step 4 if you are reusing a project to generate a new batch.

  1. Create new project in Batch Builder
    1. From main menu select Project > New.
    2. Enter project data: Project Name:  enter a name for your project (used for internal tracking only). Project Directory: select the directory where project will be saved (click ellipsis button to browse for or create a directory). Content Model: select the value "PDS document list" from the dropdown.
    3. Click OK to continue.
  2. Enter DRS deposit settings:
    1. Click on “Deposit Settings” in Project Panel tree.
    2. Enter deposit data in the form:
      Batch Name Pattern:  default - {owner}_{batchDir}_{yyyy}{mo}{dd}_{hh24}{mm}{ss}
      (This is the name for a batch that appears on DRS deposit reports. Batch name must be at least 3 characters long.)
      Success Email:  type email and press enter.
      Failure Email:  type email and press enter.
      Success Method:  choose how you will receive load report.
      Deposit Agent:  type your HUID.
      Deposit Agent Email: type your official Harvard email address.

  3. Create object template:
    Metadata added at this level will be applied to every object in a batch, unless overridden by specific batch- or object -level metadata that you define in later steps.
    1. Click on “Object Template” in Project Panel tree:
    2. Enter required object metadata in the form:
      Owner Code: your owner code (use all caps).
      Billing Code: your billing code (use all caps).
      File Access Flags:  the DRS access flag for the files.  At this level, select the least restrictive value if the batch will contain a mix of public and restricted files.  
      URN Authority Path: your NRS authority path. Use all caps.  Look up your Path here if needed: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:nrsstatusprod.
      File URN Resource Name Pattern:  type “{n}” to generate a random unique number for the ListView delivery URN. Hover over the field or see Metadata Reference for more values for this field.
    3. Enter general admin and descriptive metadata to the object template. Click the “optional” tab. 
      For more about metadata in optional tab see Sections  9. Adding Relationships, 10. Adding Descriptive Metadata, 11. Adding Supporting Content
  4. Create new batch with objects:
    1. Create new batch: select “Batch > New” from the main menu.  Enter a name for the batch (will be used as the batch directory name on disk).  Click OK. 

      Tip: Including the word "batch" in the name will help you remember the directory’s purpose on the file system.
    2. Click to select new batch in Project Panel tree.  (Look for red letter B).
    3. Create new object from template: select Object > New from the main menu.  Enter the name of the object (by default, will be used as object OSN).  Make sure this object name is unique!  Click OK.  (Look for blue letter O).
    4. Enter object-specific metadata for each object.  Click the object directory in the Project Panel tree and select the “optional” tab on the right to enter metadata (for example descriptive metadata, roles or/and relationships that will apply to your objects). 
      1. Populate your PDS List Object with references to PDS Documents (that have been previously loaded to DRS)

        Valid values for DRS object identifiers: DRS ID, URN or Owner Supplied name (of a PDS Document object that is already in DRS).
        Valid values for alternate labels: alpha-numeric characters in UTF-8 encoding.

        Tip: If a label contains a comma the whole label value should be enclosed in quotes.


        1. If you have a small number of PDS Documents (10 or less) - it is easiest to enter references directly in Batch Builder UI:
          In the PDS Document Object List Metadata section enter DRS ID or DRS URN (with leading urn-3) or Owner Supplied name of a PDS Document object that is in DRS. Optionally, provide an Alternate Label for each object (If the alternate label is not provided it will get populated on deposit by either the METS label if it exists or the object Owner Supplied Name if the METS label is absent). Press “Enter” after entering information for each object. The order of objects in the PDS List will be the same as the order in which you enter the objects in Batch Builder.

        2. If you have larger number of PDS Documents to add, we recommend using a CSV file to supply the references (although Batch Builder UI can still be used instead if you prefer it):

          The CSV file is a comma delimited file with a line per PDS Document reference. Each line should separated from the next line by a line break. In each line, the values should be separated by commas. An empty value should be indicated by a comma, as Batch Builder parses each value using comma as a delimiter.

          The syntax is the following: (object_identifier),(identifier_type),(alternate_label).
          object_identifier: DRS object identifier (OSN, DRS ID or URN)
          Identifier type: OSN, DRS ID or URN (optional). Should be used if object Owner Supplied Name is a numeric value, so Batch Builder can differentiate between Owner Supplied Name and DRS ID.
          Alternate label: label of the PDS Document that will be turned into a hotlink in ListView (optional)

          Here is an example of a CSV file:
          400065468,DRS ID,"some text, more text"  -> DRS ID, Identifier Type, Alternate Label
          401251605,,"My label" -> DRS ID, blank Identifier Type, Alternate Label
          401251604,,, -> DRS ID, blank Identifier Type, Blank Alternate Label

          07773694,OSN, -> Object OSN, Identifier type OSN, Blank Alternate Label. In this case identifier type is required as the OSN would otherwise be treated as a DRS ID
          urn-3:HUL.DRS.OBJECT:1197695,URN,My label -> URN, Identifier type URN, Alternate Label

          Placement of the CSV file:
          Place the csv file named pdsobjects.csv inside the object directory for Batch Builder ancillary files – in your "project\_aux\batch\object" directory before processing the batch.

          The CSV file is imported first sequentially and any additional PDS Objects added via UI (in the optional metadata tab ) or CLI (command line processing) are added after. The order of the PDS Objects in the CSV file is assumed to be in the proper sequence order.

        3. On command line:
          A sample command line call: batchbuildercli -a build -p "/Path/to/project/directory" -b batch1 -objectprop listobject1::pdsObject="IdentifierType=DRS ID --- PDSObjectIdentifier=400063567 --- AlternateLabel=DD PDS Doc",pdsObject="IdentifierType=DRS ID --- PDSObjectIdentifier=1234567 --- AlternateLabel=Second PDS Doc",pdsObject="IdentifierType=OSN --- PDSObjectIdentifier=9876543"

          Once the batch is loaded, DRS will create the relationships from these PDS objects to the PDS Document Object List.  The delivery URNs will be used in the List View page. 
    5. Repeat steps C and D to create additional objects. If you want to add PDS object references to your PDS Document List objects see step D.
    6. Save your project (Project > Save on main menu).
  5. Process the batch:
    1. In the Project Panel tree, right click on the batch you want to process (batch icon with a red letter B) and select “Create descriptors and batch.xml.”
    2. Processing messages will appear in the messages pane. 
    3. When the batch is successfully processed you will see the following message: FINISHED - Creation of batch.xml and descriptors complete for batch:
  6. Upload batch to dropbox.
    1. Open your SFTP client and log into your DRS2 dropbox account.
    2. Change to the "incoming" directory.
    3. Upload the batch: copy the entire batch directory to the "incoming" directory.
    4. Close the SFTP client.  Batch processing will start.
  7. Check load report in email.
    1. Open your email inbox.
    2. Look for message from "drs2-support" with subject "DRS LOAD REPORT …"
      For a more readable report, open the attached text file in Excel, or just copy the file listing and paste into Excel.   

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