Shared Shelf Known Issues and Recommended Best Practices

Shared Shelf Known Issues and Recommended Best Practices

Shared Shelf Harvard Catalogers

Known issues and recommended best practices


Known issues


Work Record data not populating to Display Record:


All catalogers (except for those with Administrator permission status) will have problems getting data from the Work Record (WR) to propagate to the Display Record (DR).  We discovered the following work around:

  1. In WR, select “Link to DR”
  2. Select “Link & Overwrite” (Note: this automatically closes the WR window)
  3. In DR select “Save”
  4. Select “View/Edit Work Record” link to get back to WR
  5. In WR, select “Edit”
  6. Select “Save” or “Save & Close”
  7. Answer “Yes” to propagate to DR



Spreadsheet Upload Errors:

Last updated March 26, 2015


  • At this time, exporting legacy records and re-uploading can cause issues, even with no updates made to the data.  If a term used in a controlled vocabulary field is not an approved term, the import will fail.  Recommended work around is to either fix these terms to approved terms prior to export, or to clear the data causing the term mismatch.


  • Known fields that are causing spreadsheet import validation errors:
    • Comma delimited, multiple urns in column B.

(This is an artifact from having multiple deliverable image files)

  • Data in column BC (Data Source Type) that predates and no longer matches terms from the OLIVIA move to a controlled list for that field.
  • Also in column BC, single space characters appear to have come over with some records in the migration. These can be difficult to detect unless explicitly looked for.













  • To confirm address invalid data causing upload errors:


  • At the upload error dialog box, click on “Download Errors” in the lower right corner.





  • In the Error report, cells containing invalid data will be highlighted in red. In the example below, a single space character has caused the error.





Errors when editing multiple Display Records at once in SS Edit mode:

Last updated March 26, 2015


  • This appears to only apply to migrated records. At this time, attempting to edit 2 or more legacy Display Records throws the error shown below.

Artstor is working to resolve this issue.




  • Duplicate/near duplicate Note types.  May ask ArtStor to cleanup




Best Practices


  • Names – recommend using LC NAF as preference when creating new names; if name already exists in Shared Shelf, select Harvard name over ULAN; if only ULAN, may use if matches LC or HOLLIS, if not a match, create a new name.  If name is only in ULAN, ok to use.
  • Controlled vocabulary, including work types, materials and techniques, etc., preference is to use AAT term.  If no AAT term, use Harvard term, if neither, create a new term from a recognized authority, i.e. AAT, LC, TGM
  • Subject terms preference for AAT or Harvard if need to add a new term, create from a recognized authority, i.e. AAT, LC, TGM
  • When linking Geographic names, preference is to use TGN.  When linking within location, select yes to include coordinates (this option is not available when linking location as subject).
  • Be sure to link to the correct “Repository” name for works owned by Harvard. Refer to the document listing “Shared Shelf Harvard Repositories” for questions.



  • To enter "related work information" go to Local Info tab. In "Relationships" select "relation type and select "related work". You can use the example of your legacy record for the correct fields to use for entry.





The "related works" tab is for relating works to works within Shared Shelf (similar to the old "group to work" relationship in OLIVIA).