ReCAP SCSB (Shared Collection Service Bus)

ReCAP SCSB (Shared Collection Service Bus)

The ReCAP Shared Collections include materials each partner commits to manage according to agreed shared collection policies, including retention in perpetuity, for the use of all partners; these materials are general collections, consisting primarily of print monographs and serials. A single copy is committed for retention across the partnership.

The SCSB application manages interactions between ReCAP’s and Harvard Depository’s inventory management systems (GFA LAS), and the partner libraries’ library service platforms and online catalogs. This enables users at partner libraries to discover and request Shared Collection items directly from their home institution’s catalog and enables library staff to manage and track usage.


General SCSB Information


SCSB Logins

To request a new Harvard SCSB user login or edit/remove an existing login:

  1. Staff Manager: Contact your ReCAP SCSB Login Liaison (same as Alma login liaison).
  2. SCSB Login Liaison: In consultation with the staff manager, determine the appropriate SCSB role for the staff member (see instructions on form) and complete the Harvard ReCAP SCSB Login Request Form.

LTS Support Form

https://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:almasupport/ – select "ReCAP SCSB" as the category

SCSB Information Sources

In addition to this wiki, there are many places to learn more about SCSB.

Additional Harvard Documentation