Harvard ETD Contacts
Harvard ETD Contacts
School Contacts
- Graduate Degree Program: Stephen Blinn (sblinn@harvard.edu), Maura McGlame (maura_mcglame@harvard.edu)
- Records: Amy Gold (gold@fas.harvard.edu)
- Student Affairs: Patrick O'Brien (jpobrien@fas.harvard.edu)
- Registrar: Cassandra Redfield (credfield@fas.harvard.edu)
- Advanced Studies Program: Martin Bechthold (mbechthold@gsd.harvard.edu), Margaret Moore De Chicojay (mmoore@gsd.harvard.edu), Elizabeth Thorstenson (thorstenson@gsd.harvard.edu)
- Library: Ines Zalduendo (izalduendo@gsd.harvard.edu), Sarah Willoughby Dickinson (sdickinson@gsd.harvard.edu); Michelle Baildon (mbaildon@gsd.harvard.edu) - Collections Strategy Team Lead Librarian
- Doctoral Programs: Clara Lau, Director for Doctoral Studies (clara_lau@gse.harvard.edu)
- Library: Rebecca Martin, Associate Director for Collections and Scholarly Communication (rebecca_martin@gse.harvard.edu)
- Doctoral Programs: Angela Valvis (avalvis@hbs.edu), Associate Director, HBS Doctoral Programs
LuAnn Langan (llangan@hbs.edu) - Library: Rachel Wise (rwise@hbs.edu)
- Registrar's Office: Jamie Johnson-Riley (jjohnson-riley@hds.harvard.edu)
- Library: Nell Carlson (ncarlson@hds.harvard.edu)
- Scholars in Medicine, Honors in a Special Field: Stephen Volante (Stephen_Volante@hms.harvard.edu)
- Medical Sciences in Global Health Delivery: Christina Lively Thompson (Christina_Lively@hms.harvard.edu), Kimberly Lincoln (Kimberly_Lincoln@hms.harvard.edu)
- Scholarly Project: Kari Hannibal (kari_hannibal@hms.harvard.edu)
- Clinical Investigation: Katie Cacioppo (kathryn_cacioppo@hms.harvard.edu)
- Medical Sciences in Biomedical Informatics: ?
- Health Sciences and Technology: ?
- Medical Sciences in Immunology: Selina Sarmiento (Selina_Sarmiento@hms.harvard.edu)
- Medical Sciences in Medical Education: Ayres Heller (Ayres_Heller@hms.harvard.edu)
- Library: Amber Melodye Marguerite LaFountain (Amber_LaFountain@hms.harvard.edu)
- HMS Scholarly Communications: Scott Lapinski (P_Lapinski@hms.harvard.edu)
- Office of Research: Ellana Haakenstad (Ellana_Haakenstad@hsdm.harvard.edu), Zach Tuomey (Zachary_Tuomey@hsdm.harvard.edu)
- Library: Amber Melodye Marguerite LaFountain (Amber_LaFountain@hms.harvard.edu)
- HMS Scholarly Communications: Scott Lapinski (P_Lapinski@hms.harvard.edu)
- Registrar's Office: Joann Wilson-Singleton (jwilson@hsph.harvard.edu), Michelle Flewelling (mpessinis@hsph.harvard.edu)
- Library: Amber Melodye Marguerite LaFountain (Amber_LaFountain@hms.harvard.edu)
- HMS Scholarly Communications: Scott Lapinski (P_Lapinski@hms.harvard.edu)
- Academic Programs: Kathy Lovell, Undergraduate Academic Programs Manager (klovell@seas.harvard.edu); Beth Musser, Undergraduate Academic Programs Coordinator for Computer Science (emusser@seas.harvard.edu)
Harvard Library
- Archives: Skip Kendall (skip_kendall@harvard.edu), Kate Bowers (Metadata; kate_bowers@harvard.edu), Ginny Hunt (Collection development and records management; virginia_hunt@harvard.edu)
- OSC: Kyle Courtney (Copyright and licensing; kyle_courtney@harvard.edu),
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