From MemorabiliaTracker to EAD
From MemorabiliaTracker to EAD
Creating inventory with EAD tags from spreadsheets exported from MemorabiliaTracker
These instructions should be followed once you have entered memorabilia items into MemorabiliaTracker.
- Open MemorabiliaTracker, search for MC# to find your records, go to item view
- From the FileMakerPro menu bar, select Export records from the File dropdown menu
- "Export records to file" box should appear
- Save as: Collection number
- Save as type: select Excel workbook (.xlsx)
- Check "automatically open after saving" box
- Click Save
- "Excel Options" box will appear, click Continue without entering data
- "Specify Field Order for Export" screen will appear, select (either by double clicking or using the move button)
File Unit
Item Date
Item Title
- Item Description
- Once items have been moved to the "field export order" box in the appropriate order, click Export. Your spreadsheet will open automatically.
- Arrange columns in Spreadsheet in this order, left to right (they should come out this way automatically):
- File Unit
- Item Title
- Item Date
- Item Description
- In column E, concatenate columns B (item title) and C (item date)
- Paste the following formula into Column E, row 2, of the spreadsheet:=CONCATENATE(B2,", ",C2). This formula will add a comma between the title and the date. If the majority of your items don't have dates, you may wish to use this formula instead =CONCATENATE(B2, C2), which will concatenate column B and C without inserting a comma between them.
- Highlight the cell containing the formula (E2), hover over the bottom right corner of the cell until your cursor resembles a + sign, then click and drag down to the bottom of the column. Review the contents of the column and add or delete commas as needed.
- Open MemorabiliaInventoryTemplateConcatenate.xlsx (also found in G:\SCHLES\COLLECTION SERVICES\MANUSCRIPTS\Excel templates)
- Copy the data from the "File Unit" column in your spreadsheet and paste it into the template spreadsheet UnitID column (do not copy the column header "File Unit")
- Copy the data from column E of your spreadsheet (do not copy the empty cell at the top of the column). Paste the data into the Title column of the template spreadsheet by selecting "Paste Special" and then " Values"
- Copy the data from column D of your spreadsheet (do not copy the column header "Item Description"). Paste the data into the Description column of the template spreadsheet by selecting "Paste Special" and then " Values"
- In each column with tags or punctuation, highlight the populated cell, hover over the bottom right corner of the cell until your cursor resembles a + sign, then click and drag down to the bottom of the column. Do the same for Column M (the column with the formula). Column M will be what goes into the finding aid.
- Save this spreadsheet with XML tags with a new name in your directory
- Highlight the column with the concatenated inventory listing (column M, starting with row 3) and copy it, then paste the contents into XMetal in the appropriate series/inventory section.
- If the items are not all going in the same series, copy and paste selected cells as appropriate
, multiple selections available,
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