Where to find collection materials

Where to find collection materials

Before beginning the survey, it is important to make sure to locate ALL formats and sizes of material for ALL the accessions in your collection. The blue cards list the number and size of materials, but the locations on the cards are no longer valid. To ascertain the current location of all containers in the collection, utilize the SLTracker database. If you are unable to locate something on the blue card, consult with other manuscript staff.

Retrieve Materials From The Vaults
Material onsite is housed in three places: vaults 1 and 2 (located in Schlesinger's basement), and the pool vault (located in the Knafel Gym basement). Maps of these areas are available for viewing in the Schlesinger/Public Services/Vault Maps SharePoint folder. Each location also has a paper copy.

Before retrieving the collection, the SL Tracker database must be updated to inform Public Services as to the location of the material. In order to enter borrower information in the database, obtain a password from Johanna Carll.

To Use The Database:

  • Set up FileMaker using the Connecting to FileMaker 16 instructions
    • Note: you will have to set up FileMaker each time you use the database on a new computer
  • Open FileMaker
  • On the FileMaker Server login screen, click the "Sign In as Guest" button
  • Select SLTracker from the list of databases
  • On the Open "SLTracker" screen, enter your in your Account Name (username) and password (get this from Johanna), click the "Sign In" button
    • Note: the "Sign in as Guest" feature is enabled in the database, but you will not be able to enter borrower or temporary location information when logged in as a guest  

Search The Database

  • From the toolbar at top of the page, select the "Items" button.
  • Click the "Search" button and a search box will appear.
  • To locate a collection, type its name in the appropriate field.
  • Hit "Enter."

Note: To locate items in use at the library type an asterisk [*] in 'order date' field. To locate items ordered on a specific date, enter a date in the 'order date' field.

Check Out Containers From Pool Vault and Vaults 1 And 2
Before removing any boxes from their locations, they must be checked out in the SL Tracker database.
Enter the date in the "order date" field, using the calendar to the right of the "order date" field.
If recalling materials to process, enter your last name, followed by "processing," in the  "borrower name" field. (e.g., "Earle, processing") and check the "staff" box.

Do not make entries in the "notes" field without consulting Johanna Carll.
When permanently removing containers from their original location in the vaults inform Johanna Carll, who will update the vacancy list. DO NOT leave an out card for the boxes.
If removing containers that will be returned to the same shelf location (usually for purposes other than processing), it is necessary to indicate the shelf vacancy is temporary by completing an out-card and leaving it in place of the box(es).
Out-cards are located in the vaults; obtain one and enter ALL of the following information:

  • your name
  • the collection's name
  • the number of containers being removed
  • the date

It is especially important to indicate the number of containers so that the entire space is designated as occupied. Remove the container(s) and replace with a completed out-card.

Check Out Folders And Small Accessions (Vault 1)
Some collections have accessions that consist of less than a half file box. These small accessions are designated "Work To Be Done" (WTBD), and filed alphabetically in filing cabinets in Vault 1.
When removing these small accessions permanently for processing, an out-card is not needed since the folders will not be returned to that space; vacancy lists do not exist for individual folders, so no further updates are required. If removing folders temporarily with intent to return them to that location, be sure to indicate their removal by inserting a completed out-card. WTBD folders should be listed in SL Tracker; do make sure to check them out to yourself in the database when removing them.

Retrieve Containers From HD
To retrieve off-site collections for processing, they must be ordered internally in the following manner

  • Create a "*.txt" file for the order
    • Narrow your results set in SLTracker to the containers you need to recall
    • Select "Export Records..." from the FileMaker "File" menu
    • When the export records pop up box appears
      • Select your export destination from the "Save in" dropdown
      • In the "File name" box name your file with your last name.txt (example: Carll.txt)  NOTE: You must add the .txt file extension or you will not get the correct type of file
      • Click "Save"
      • At the next screen, select barcode (double click or highlight, then select "move.")  Make sure barcode is the only term in the "Field export order" box
      • Click "Export" 
    • Open the .txt file and delete any non-barcode characters that may appear at the end of the barcode, then save the document
    • Alternately, you may create a .txt file using copy and paste
      • Open a new document in NOTEPAD
      • Copy the barcodes (only) in a list (separated by returns) from the SL Tracker database.
      • Save it as a *.txt file with your last name as the file name: engelhart.txt.
  • If you work in the main building, e-mail Johanna Carll that you would like this list of item(s)/barcode(s) to be ordered and that they are being permanently recalled (so she can de-accession the barcodes); if you work at 40 Concord, e-mail Mark Vassar. Johanna and Mark will be backups for each other. Public services can also order cartons for you if Johanna and Mark are unavailable. However, make sure to tell them it is a "permanent withdrawal" if you are getting material for processing purposes.
  • When container(s) arrive at the Schlesinger, Public Services staff will usually inform archivists.
  • Pick up the material from the HD room.
  • Update the SL Tracker database with your name and the date in the "Borrower" and "Order date" fields.
    • Bring up all the records for your collection in SLTracker (make sure your results only include the records for the materials you are processing)
    • Enter the "Order date" information in the 1st record
    • While still in the order date field, select "Replace field contents" from the FileMaker "Records" dropdown menu
    • Make sure the information next to the selected radio button in the pop-up box is correct, then select "Replace"
    • Enter your last name-processing (example: "Carll-processing") in the "Borrower" field
    • While still in the borrower field, select "Replace field contents" from the FileMaker "Records" dropdown menu
    • Make sure the information next to the selected radio button in the pop-up box is correct, then select "Replace"

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