Test Stand
Test procedure:
1) use power-free gloves and face mask
2) prepare clean work surface: tools, storage bins, wiring
3) clean and wipe down rubber support surface
4) Open up document with testing log, Solar Cell Test Log
4) use vacuum tweezers to lift solar cell off stack
5) visual inspection- no scratches or blemishes? If scratched, put into trash
6) place blue side down onto rubber support and slide into place on test stand
7) Lower electrode onto cell, execute electrical test. Determine shunt resistance
8) If shunt resistance < 300 Ohms, put in electrical reject pile
9) If shunt resistance >= 300 Ohms, give it a numerical designation, make sure you note if it's Gen 2 or Gen 3. Affix number to cell back (electrode) side
10) Enter your name, date, numberical designation, Gen 2 or 3, and shunt resistance into log file.
11) use vacuum tweezers to insert into storage holder.
12) iterate
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