NCSA access notes

NCSA access notes

C. Stubbs Jan 26, 2021

We intend to use the Rubin Science Platform Jupiter-Lab system for analysis of Aux Tel data, and eventually other LSST commissioning activity. 

This is hosted at NCSA and requires two-factor authentication. 

On a Mac, use Safari not Chrome. 

0) Install the DUO validation app on your phone. Harvard uses this as well, need to add NCSA as per their instructions, using QR code. 

   0a) If you still need to set up Duo for your NCSA account, set it up at https://duo.security.ncsa.illinois.edu/

1) install Cisco AnyConnect on your machine

   1a) By windows I (Natasha) had to install this through Harvard. To do that, sign in here https://vpn.harvard.edu/+CSCOE+/logon.html and put "push" in the two-factor authentication field. See https://harvard.service-now.com/ithelp/harvard.xfinity.com/mobile?id=kb_article&sys_id=f1766696db1e9418441560fdd39619ef for more instructions

   1b) One can also download and configure the VPN through NCSA's instructions. 

2) point the Cisco VPN "connect" window at ncsa-vpn-default  BE SURE TO UPDATE USER NAME 

       2a) If this fails with an error from Cisco saying: "The VPN connection failed due to unsuccessful domain name resolution.", try changing the entry in the connect box to: sslvpn.ncsa.illinois.edu.  See below: 

3) Type in your user name and NCSA password, and use 'push' as second password. 

This will send an authentication ping to DUO on your phone. Once you authorize, VPN should be established. 

4) point a browser to  lsst-lsp-stable.ncsa.illinois.edu/nb and select National Center for Supercomputing Applications as identity provider. You can type NCSA in the search box to get to this. 

     4a) I (Sasha) initially selected the wrong identity provider (I chose Harvard University).  When I then tried to open the link from point 4 again, I got an error in my browser stating: "OpenID Connect token verification failed" I resolved this issue by clearing my browser's (Safari) cache and history. 

5) You have to enter your NCSA credentials, and do yet another DUO push in order to gain access. 

I got that far, and it hung. 

After trying multiple times, finally got to this screen:


Then after sticking with the defaults, it worked.

IF you need to restart the virtual machine, and get pushed into a previous instantiation, go to File then Save all and Exit. Or logout.  

Feb 15, 2021. For the observing run Feb 16-19 . need to choose 2021_02 version of the pipeline. 

for an intro to Jupiter notebook access to Aux Tel data, see


Once there, open terminal and do 

source ${LOADSTACK}
setup lsst_distrib

to install a python package that's accessible to notebooks
after doing LOADSTACK steps above, pip install --user <package>

to install some other LSST notebook toolkit:
go to github location of repo
choose CODE green button on right
choose HTTPS
cut and paste 

then in terminal do git clone <paste in https> 


If you kick off a new notebook, be certain to select the LSST kernel!:

Added Aug 12, 2021. There is a git link with further instructions on how to keep the notebook software up to date. See


be sure to pick right weekly release (such as w_2021_32)!

April 21, 2022

location of LATISS image files: 



https://nb.lsst.io/ getting-started for connectivity


https://lsstsciencecollaborations.github.io/StackClub/ DESC getting-started link.

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