Particulate sensor- Larom

Particulate sensor- Larom

overview blurb: https://blog.attuneiot.com/particulate-matter-sensors 

comparison chart here: 

Some commercial options



only $100 and unlikely to give the performance we need but does claim to give particle size histogram





https://pubs.acs.org/doi/epdf/10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00030 - does better (allegedly*) than IPS-7100 at <1 micron

*has been found to not always adhere to manufacturer guarantees

$200, best coefficient of determination found, leading competitor of Piera IPS-7100, used by Forest Service

It's the algorithm that puts this one so high

PieraCanaree R1


Great coefficient of determination, same manufacturer as IPS-7100, built for Ethernet, $300

FabLabSmart Citizen Kit V2.1


Highest guaranteed coefficient of determination at PM1.0, $120



Cheap $50, similar performance to leaders

A potential non-commercial option from NASA is MPASS: https://technology.nasa.gov/patent/LEW-TOPS-19 → Could send them an email to see if it's an option for us.

March 1 2024. 
Ordered two evaluation kits of IPS-7100 through Newark:

quick start guide: Evaluation-Kit-Brochure-V1.2.1.pdf

Particulate Sensor Installation in AuxTel, 05/14/2024--Kane

Installed x1 of the above particulate sensors in the AuxTel dome. It is currently mounted (taped) on top of the mac mini that runs DIMSUM, and connected via USB A to C hub.

A better, permanent placement will be determined. 

The Mac Mini has the newest SenseiAQ software (v2.0.4) installed, and the software picks up the sensor, and is logging data as a .csv. 

Guide to connecting to Mac Mini via VNC, from non-Apple OS (Windows/Linux, etc)

  1. Download TigerVNC. 
  2. Configure the settings page as follows:
  3. With the above settings, now enter the address. The VNC connection address is:
  4. The connection password is the same as for the Mac Mini (not gonna put it here for the world to see). 

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