Flats on USDF
Flats on USDF
To get a list of flats on USDF we can do a dimensional query through the Butler:
import lsst.summit.utils.butlerUtils as butlerUtils butler = butlerUtils.makeDefaultLatissButler(embargo=False) #False, for historical data, True for current data #Makes a list with the record of all flats found: where = f"exposure.observation_type='flat'" records = list(butler.registry.queryDimensionRecords('exposure', where=where)) #Makes a set of all days that there are flats for days_observed = set([r.day_obs for r in records]) #Make a list of bias for each date in the set biases = [] for x in days_observed: where2 = f"exposure.day_obs ={targets[0]} AND exposure.observation_type='bias'" records2 = list(butler.registry.queryDimensionRecords('exposure', where=where2)) biases.append(records2)
Now in records is a list of all recorded flats, in biases is a list where each entry is a list of all biases taken on a specific day there was also taken flats!
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