OCLC symbols, MARC Organization Codes, and OCLC authorizations

OCLC symbols, MARC Organization Codes, and OCLC authorizations

How these symbols, codes, and authorizations relate to each other

One symbol per authorization

  • Each OCLC authorization is associated with one (and only one) OCLC symbol.
  • Active symbols are available for searching through the Directory of OCLC members.
  • OCLC Usage Stats are based on the OCLC symbol and listed by authorization number.

One MARC Org Code per authorization

One or more MARC Org Codes per symbol

  • OCLC symbols can have more than one MARC Org Code associated with it. 
    • This was especially common with institutions that participate in PCC Funnels, since PCC statistics used to be based on the MARC code.  Now with participants having to report their own statistics via the PCC Directory, different MARC codes are no longer so important. 
    • Each authorization for one OCLC symbol can have a different MARC Org Code assigned to it. 
      • If a user participates in more than one Funnel and wishes to separate that work by MARC code then that user would have to use a different authorization for each MARC code. 

OCLC symbol in bibliographic records

  • OCLC uses the OCLC Symbol in Field 040 of Bibliographic records in WorldCat. 
    • You will find, occasionally, a WorldCat record with a MARC code in Field 040 subfield $a and/or $c because there are times when there is no OCLC Symbol to replace the MARC Code that came with the record (i.e. was loaded into WorldCat).  Records ingested by OCLC as well as those "made available" also use the OCLC Symbol in Field 040. 

MARC Org Code in authority records

  • The MARC Organization Code is required in Field 040 on authority records.
  • Connexion populates Field 040 of authority records based on the authorization number used to log in. 
  • The MARC code used must be in LC's Load Queue (NACO Tables).
  • Contact Paul Frank at PCC if you ever need to know or have a Code added to the NACO Tables.

Related information

OCLC cataloging authorization levels for record actions and upgrades: https://help.oclc.org/Metadata_Services/Connexion/Connexion_client/Reference/OCLC_cataloging_authorization_levels_for_record_actions_and_upgrades

Authorizations and cataloging capabilities for authority records: https://help.oclc.org/Metadata_Services/Authority_records/Authorities_Format_and_indexes/Get_started/30Authorizations_and_cataloging_capabilities

Harvard's OCLC symbols: Alma to OCLC Symbol Mapping (https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/cIeUAg)