ListView Staff User Guide

ListView Staff User Guide

ListView Staff User Guide

ListView is a utility that provides lists of links to digitized materials, such as periodical runs and multi-volume sets, as well as the option to provide a Full Text Search across the specified set of items. ListView is designed to meet requests for two functions: 1) to browse the list of digital objects belonging to a parent title that is represented by a bibliographic record and 2) to search across the full text of related items (for example, 70 years of a digitized periodical).

Getting Started

Administrative interface for ListView: http://listview.lib.harvard.edu/users

If you don't have an account for ListView, contact LTS or your unit's ListView contact. Note: the password requirement for ListView is a minimum of eight characters.
Sign in to create new ListView records, edit existing records, or export record data.


Creating Records

There are two ways to create a new list of links: 1) create a list manually by choosing "Create New Link List" or 2) import a list from a .csv (preferred) or an .xlsx file.

Create a new link list from scratch

Choosing "Create New Link List" brings up a blank new record for you to complete:

Fill in the required fields and optional fields as desired. Only External ID Type and External ID are required, but Title, Author, and Publication are strongly recommended.

External ID must be a unique value as only one List per HOLLIS ID is permitted.

External ID Type – Required

HOLLIS is currently the only supported type, so it is pre-populated.

External ID – Required

The HOLLIS ID of the related parent title.

Title, Author, Publication

These fields can be auto-filled by using the "Retrieve Metadata" button to fetch the corresponding Aleph bibliographic data. They can be manually edited after import, if necessary. Manual edits override fetched data and will remain in the record even if Aleph data is fetched again.

Curator Comment Field

Free text field for additional curator-supplied comment.

Link Image

Optionally, upload one image to represent the Harvard Library, a specific library, or the multi-part work itself. Accepts JPG, PNG, or GIF file, 300 pixels square. Example record.

Continues/Continued by Name and URL

Use for linking between related parent records. The URL should be a HOLLIS persistent link.

Search URL

Applicable only to searchable page-turned objects delivered via PDS. URL must be of the format http://fts.lib.harvard.edu/fts/search?S=FTSConfigurationFileName. Instructions for requesting an FTS configuration file are available on the "Searching large sets of PDS documents" page of the Creating a Full-Text Search Form user guide. Example record.

Date qualified

Check to display date range options as part of the full-text search form on the resulting ListView record. Example record.

After you have filled in the required and desired fields, use the "Add a link" button to manually enter the URLs and associated labels, which will provide the display text on the ListView record:

To save the record, use the "Create Link List" button.

Create a new link list by using the Excel import option

"Choose File" to find a .csv file (preferred) or an .xlsx file on your computer or network drive. If you use the template, be sure to delete from the spreadsheet any of the optional fields you are not using so the import does not fail. Templates: CSV | Excel | Help.

Upon import, ListView will display the same new record screen as shown above for manual list creation. You can add or edit information in the fields as described above. To save the record, use the "Create Link List" button.

Editing and Deleting Records

Once a ListView record has been created, it can be viewed, edited or deleted, and a .csv file with the record data, including item labels and links, can be downloaded:

From the "All Records" page (https://listview.lib.harvard.edu/), click on the Edit button to make changes to the ListView record. To delete a record, click on the record title and then the Delete this record button: 

From the the individual record page, click on the Edit button to make changes. To delete a record, click the Delete this record button:


ListView links are persistent, so there is no need to create associated NRS names in NRS Web Admin prior to inserting links in Harvard discovery services such HOLLIS, OASIS, and VIA.