Other HVD01 data loads



OCLC batch loads (Connexion / TechPro)
Records are loaded on Sundays. All records cataloged (by using the "Update" command) in OCLC Connexion are processed for addition to Aleph on a weekly basis. OCLC Techpro or other contracted cataloging performed on behalf of Harvard libraries on OCLC is added to HVD01 using this process. Note that the records can be removed from Harvard processing on a title-by- title basis; see the document "How to Use 049 Subfield $o in OCLC Records". Records can also be removed based on the library symbol in the 049 field --for those libraries that do not want any of their records loaded by this process. CEASED Jan 31, 2016
OCLC Holdings Export
This process maintains Harvard's holdings and Institution Records in WorldCat. Every week a file of new and updated cataloging is pulled from Aleph and sent to OCLC. After they process the file, OCLC sends a list of each record that was loaded and its corresponding master record number and Insitution record number. Those OCLC numbers are loaded into 079 fields in the appropriate holding.
WorldCat Cataloging Partners (a.k.a. PromptCat)
See Batchloading Orders (Order Loader) / Enhanced Cataloging, shelf-ready



Other HVD01 records

American Religions Collection, series 1,2,3Approximately 800 works on microform. 
Frequency: multiple loads
CRL (Center for Research Libraries)Approximately one million records for works held by CRL. Updates are loaded quarterly.
Harvard Film Archive Filemaker DatabaseApproximately 20,000 records updated periodically. HFA Filemaker database is copy of record. 



MARS (Backstage Library Works)
Authority records are loaded monthly into HVD10 and HVD12. Applicable headings are updated in HVD01 monthly and reports are reviewed by Database Management. See more information in the Authorities sectionof the Aleph Documentation Center.


Library of Congress (HVD02) - Ceased in 2015

Subscription name
Library of Congress Books All
Record loads began
1991 (in HULPR, then Aleph), though records with earlier publication dates may be present. CEASED IN 2015.
Data load frequency
Vendor file contents
LC monograph cataloging records. Does not include serial or microforms. Records may represent full level cataloging, CIP (cataloging-in-publication), minimal level or preliminary cataloging.
Accessing and copying files into HVD01
From the Search Tab, choose the HVD02 base and search using Find or Browse. When record is located, push to Records Tab by clicking Catalog button from Brief List or Full + Link display.
Additional Notes
The LC Resource File is also used for Standing Search, a regular process that overlays bibliographic records in the Union Catalog (HVD01) with matching LC cataloging data. CEASED in 2015