E-books / E-resources

LTS supports the infrastructure and automation for custom e-book loads, as well as a streamlined e-book loader used by ITS to load miscellaneous sets.

Visit /wiki/spaces/LibraryTech/pages/37487970 at the ITS wiki  for more information on specific sets, including numerous collections loaded as NET GEN using the streamlined loader.

Other information:

E-resource sets with custom Aleph collection code (852 $c)

Collection NameAleph codeMARC sourceNotes
19th Century United Kingdom NewspapersNCNPKGaleLoaded as separate records per analysis by Ruth Haas. Vendor used copy cataloging from print records and then modified record to cover multiple title changes, including expanding the 008 date range. For this reason the LCCN and 042 were removed from the vendor records as they no longer correct.
19th Century United States NewspapersNCNPGaleLoaded as separate records per analysis by Ruth Haas. Vendor used copy cataloging from print records and then modified record to cover multiple title changes, including expanding the 008 date range. For this reason the LCCN and 042 were removed from the vendor records as they no longer correct.
ACLS History E-Book Project
ACLSU. Mich. 
Alexander Street Press collectionsALEXSASP (open)Some records are born-digital material.
Apabi e-booksAPABIChina International Book Trading Corp.Includes CJK
ARTFL (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language)ARTFL[not available]Loaded as separate records because digitized version not analogous to a specific print publication. Vendor could not provide links to individual titles. URN to set used in each holding.
ATLA Historical Monographs Collection. Series 1 (13th Century to 1893)ATLAMEBSCOSpecial collections set. 93% match rate to analogous microfilm set held by Divinity, where series statement and volume was used for matching. Some of the 7% non-matches represented titles not held in film set.
ATLA Historical Monographs Collection. Series 2 (1894-1923)ATLAMEBSCOSpecial collections set. See ATLA Series 1.
BREPOLiS Latin DatabasesBREPOBrepolisLoaded as separate records because digitized version not analogous to a specific print publication.
Brill Primary Source collectionsBRILLBrill 
Cambridge Histories OnlineCAMHICambridge Press (bibs also in WorldCat) 
Coutts Medical Patron Driven Acquisition planCMPDACouttsPilot project.
Digitalia: Anthropos collectionDIGITDigitalia 
Digitalia: Ocho y MedioDIGITDigitalia 
David Rumsey Collection digital mapsRUMSEOCLC 
Editoria Italiana OnlineCASEICasaliniMulti-volumes send as separate records.
Early American Imprints, Series 1 (1639-1800) "Evans"EAIFSAmerican Antiquarian SocietySpecial collections set. Matched to microfilm set.
Early American Imprints, Series II (1801-1819) "Shaw-Shoemaker"EAISSAmerican Antiquarian SocietySpecial collections set. Matched to microfilm set.
ebrary (2006)EBRARebraryOriginal set removed in 2006.
ebrary (2016-)EBRARebraryNew subsets added 2015-
ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online)ECCOGaleSpecial collections set. Loaded as separate records per discussion with Karen Nipps.
EEBO (Early English Books Online)EEBOProQuestSpecial collections set. Matched to print and film based on bibliography number.
Electronic Theses and Disserations (ETD)DASHHarvard OSCSpecial collections set. More on ETDs
Government Documents FDLP (Federal Depository Library Program)FDLPCRDP (via MARCIVE); backfile from OCLC 
HeinOnlineHEINOWashburn Law Library 
Henry Stewart TalksHSTLKHenry Stewart Talks 
LION (Literature Online)See noteProQuestLIONT (main text corpus)
LIONR (criticism/reference)
LIONP (poets on screen)
LIONA (african series) 
Lexis e-Treatises(LAW NET)CassidyRestricted to Law school students. Special authority path used for URNs
Making of Modern LawMOMLGaleSpecial collections set. Matched to print and film based on series number.
Making of the Modern WordMOMEGaleSpecial collections set. Matched to print and film based on series number.
Magnes ebooksMAGNS[LTS via spreadsheet] 
MARCit serialsMRCITEx LibrisWeekly load based on holdings in SFX. Visit /wiki/spaces/LibraryTech/pages/37487970 at the ITS wiki 
Medical Heritage LibraryIAMHLHarvardSpecial collections set. Harvard books digitized by the Internet Archive as part of the Medical Heritage Library project. Single load. Matched to original print.
National Academies PressNACAPNLM 
Oxford Scholarship OnlineOXSCHOxford 
Past MastersPASTMInteLex (open) 
Project Muse e-booksPMUSEProject Muse 
Rise of American LawWESTLCassidyRestricted to Law school students. Special authority path used for URNs
Safari Tech Books OnlineSAFARProQuest 
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: a Transnational ArchiveSLAVEGale 
Springer subject collectionsSPRGRSpringer (open) 
Springer ProtocolsSPRGPSpringer (open) 
SuperstarSUPERSuperstar (ChinaMaxx)Includes CJK.
Westlaw e-Treatises(LAW NET)CassidyRestricted to Law school students. Special authority path used for URNs
World ScientificWSCIEWorld ScientificApproximately 500 titles with trial access, representing the Physics collection from 2005 to 2011. Individual titles are also purchased and cataloged manually by staff. The trial set will be removed at the end of the trial period. 
Women Writers OnlineBROWWOCLCLoaded as separate records because digitized version not analogous to a specific print publication.