Auto-proxy Tools for Harvard Access to E-Resources
Auto-Proxy tools
Certain browser add-ons have a feature that can automatically identify and redirect resource links through the library proxy for Harvard access. The two main tools that do this are:
Because certain websites are incompatible with auto-proxying which can result in errors, we strongly recommend disabling this feature in the add-on settings. Even with global auto-proxy disabled, you can still use these add-ons to make Harvard access simpler to load. Instructions are provided below.
Disabling auto-proxy in Zotero Connector
- Right-click on the Zotero Connector extension icon and select "Options" or "Preferences".
- Select the "Proxies" tab.
- To disable auto-proxy completely, uncheck "Enable proxy redirection".
To allow auto-proxy only on selected websites:
- Check "Enable proxy redirection"
- Add approved websites to the Configured Proxies list. (Make sure that "" is not included in the configured list.)
- For example, enabling proxy redirection and adding "" to the Configured Proxies list will cause Zotero to automatically redirect all JSTOR pages through Harvard access, but not pages from other websites.
Disabling auto-proxy in Library Access (Lean Library)
- Right-click on the Library Access extension icon and select "Options" or "Preferences".
- Uncheck "Skip the popup and automate my access."
To use the Library Access extension to reload an individual page through the Harvard access proxy, click the extension icon while on the page and select "Get Access!".
Other one-click solutions for reloading a web page with Harvard access
Harvard Library Proxy FAQ
What is the Harvard Library proxy server?
The Harvard Library proxy server is a system that allows current Harvard affiliates to gain full access to licensed online library resources from anywhere, on or off campus, by recognizing the user's campus IP address or HarvardKey login. The proxy server works by rewriting the web page URL to include a proxy string ("", as of 2019) and make any other necessary changes to the web address. Resource links in HOLLIS and other library discovery tools always include the library proxy to facilitate full access, but if you're accessing the link from on campus you may not need to log in with HarvardKey.
Why should I access resources through the proxy server?
Without the proxy server, users on wireless or off-campus networks cannot be recognized as Harvard affiliates. Most online library resources are governed by licenses that restrict full access to current Harvard faculty, students, and staff, and without the proxy, you will not be able to view the resource.
When should I not use the proxy server?
Google Scholar
Google Scholar cannot be accessed through the proxy; it causes an error. Instead, Harvard access is managed using Google Scholar's "Library Links" setting, which generates a "Try Harvard Library" link next to search results available at Harvard. Official library links to Google Scholar (through HOLLIS or library websites) should be preset with Harvard access. To manually set up Harvard as a Google Scholar library link, follow instructions at .
Harvard PubMed access does not require the proxy server. We use PubMed's Outside Tool to link to Harvard content. (Quick tip: To manually add Harvard access to any PubMed page, add the parameter "&otool=hulib" to the end of the PubMed URL.)
Personal Subscriptions
If you have an independent personal subscription to a resource, for example an individual subscription to The Economist, you may not be able to access it when connecting through the library proxy to the Harvard institutional subscription. Disable the proxy to log in with your individual account.