Frequently Asked Questions about ePADD

Q: What is the difference between the Appraisal and Processing modules? When and why would I need to move my email archive from Appraisal to Processing?

A: The Appraisal module is intended to be used by the donor to do initial review and restriction of their own email. The Processing module is intended for the archivist to complete review and appraisal of the email before exporting it to another module (Discovery, Delivery) or exporting a preservation package. But both modules offer almost identical functionality and ePADD review and appraisal tools can be used in any order, so your repository has leeway in creating workflows that work for you. 

Your path through ePADD will always start by importing email via the Appraisal module. After that you need to decide if you perform review/appraisal of email in this module and export or move email into the Processing module to complete processing and export. 

These are the functions unique to the Processing module:

  • Adding images to a collection: 2 of the 3 ways to add an image to your email archive (for presentation purposes) are only available in the Processing module. See the User Guide section 3.3.5 Assigning Images to the Collection for details. 
  • Adding labels: The restriction label ‘Transfer to Delivery Only’ can only be assigned in the Processing module. See the User Guide section 4.4. Setting Default Labels for details.
  • Adding labels: When moving an email archive from Appraisal to Processing, email items marked with a restriction label (in Appraisal) will be excluded from making the trip into the Processing module. See the User Guide section 3.3.4 Labeling Email Messages for details. 
  • Performing authority control: Only available in the Processing module. See the User Guide section 4.5 Performing Authority Control for details.
  • Exports from the Processing module are assigned a directory name "ePADD archive of (name of archive creator)". This is more helpful than the "user" directory name assigned when you export from Appraisal.