Navigating ePADD

Navigating ePADD

On this page:

This page describes options for starting/stopping ePADD and navigating from one module to another.

ePADD installation creates a few widgets that will help you navigate: 

  • epadd application icon. At installation, an application icon is added to the Windows taskbar (or Mac Finder toolbar). This icon only displays when ePADD is running so if it isn't visible, you need to start the application first. Right-click on this icon to open an ePADD window or to quit ePADD.
  • epadd.properties file. At installation, a plain text file named epadd.properties is created in the user’s home directory, e.g.:

    On Windows: c:\users\<username>\
    On Mac: /Users/<username>/

    This properties file controls which module is active and where ePADD creates it's user directories. By default, this file contains the property: epadd.mode=appraisal:

    The epadd.mode property controls which module opens when you start ePADD or when you right-click the ePADD application icon and select "Open ePADD window".  For more information about the .properties file, see the User Guide section 2.2 Installing ePADD.

Starting/Stopping ePADD

To start ePADD, double-click the executable file. 

To stop ePADD, right-click on the epadd application icon in your taskbar or toolbar and select Quit ePADD.

It's also good practice to close any open ePADD browser windows. 

Moving between modules

There are four ePADD modules: Appraisal, Processing, Discovery, and Delivery. ePADD was designed with the expectation that a given workstation will run one module at a time. You can switch between modules but only one module should be open at any point.

By default, the Appraisal module opens when you start ePADD (unless you change the default module in the epadd.properties file). There are two ways to switch modules: the "Close ePADD/Update epadd.properties/Restart ePADD" method and the "switch-modules" method. Both are described below. 

Method 1: Close ePADD/Update epadd.properties/Restart ePADD

Best practice is to close ePADD, update the epadd.properties file, then restart:

  1. Save your work in the ePADD module you're using. Close the browser window or tab that was running ePADD.
  2. Close the ePADD application by right-clicking the application icon in your task or tool bar and selecting Quit ePADD.
  3. Open the epadd.properties text file – it should be in your user path:
    On Windows: c:\users\<username>\epadd.properties
    On Mac: /Users/<username>/epadd.properties
  4. Change the value of the epadd.mode property for the module you want to open. E.g., to open the Processing module, set this property as epadd.mode=processing
    and save the .properties file.
  5. Start the ePADD application by double-clicking the executable. It should open to the module specified in the .properties file.

Method 2: Switch-modules

This method is simpler but not preferred (not sure why). 

  1. Save your work in the ePADD module you're using. 
  2. Point your browser at http://localhost:9099/epadd/switch-module.
  3. From the list, select the module to open: 

  4. The selected module will open automatically in the same browser window.

Note: It's not just humans who need to navigate between modules. Email archives do too, but this is accomplished by exporting email from one module and importing to another. For example, if you have finished reviewing an email archive in the Appraisal module and want to continue working on it in the Processing module, you'll first need to export the email archive, switch to the Processing module and then import the email archive from there.