Photograph Albums & Scrapbooks

Photograph Albums & Scrapbooks

Photograph albums will comprise part of the photograph series. If the volume remains intact, assign a PD volume number (e.g., MC500-PD.15v). Volumes with broken spines or other preservation problems (fastened together by metal rods, string, etc.) should be dismantled and housed in folders, whether standard or oversized. Disbound volumes receive a PD folder number (e.g., MC500-PD.16-PD.18).

If the album is large and contents are divided into multiple folders, note 1 of x, 2 of x, 3 of x, etc., on the folder near the folder heading.

Photographs that come loose while processing (remember to note on the back which page they came from) or were found loose in a scrapbook should be put into a photograph folder. Move loose photographs to a photograph folder and number them as part of that photograph folder. Label the folders (e.g., "From Anna Pruitt's photograph album" and 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc).


PD.66. Loose items from Anna Pruitt's photograph album, #PD.61f-PD.65f; includes list by processor of captions and identification of people and places where possible.

When photographs are found in albums with magnetic or adhesive pages, consult with Amanda and Joanne. Depending on the album and its importance, these may either be scanned, or left as is.


Non-Photographic Item(s) In Photo Albums

Often, photo albums, like scrapbooks, contain non-photographic materials such as papers, notes, dried flowers, pins, etc. If items are solidly adhered to the album, do not number them, but leave them in place.

If items are loose, mark the page or the number of the photograph the item accompanies; either enclose it in acid-free paper or mylar and leave it in place, or mark it and put it into a separate folder called "Loose items from PD.#." Discuss the appropriate course of action with your team lead.



Photograph album titles should include the format (photograph album) followed by a colon and a more descriptive phrase of the contents of the album.

PD.#v. Photograph album: title, date 

PD.9v. Photograph album: wedding of Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt, 2013



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