Negatives and slides

Negatives and slides


Negatives are stored separately from photographs. Consult with Joanne on appropriate sleeves for the negatives, some may need to be housed in paper sleeves. Sleeve negatives and put them in their own letter-size folder, numbered within the PD.# convention of the photo series; see below for numbering individual negatives. Give the folders to Joanne when you have finished processing.

Negatives that correspond to existing prints that will be cataloged should be sleeved, and numbered with the corresponding file unit # of the prints (e.g., Negatives of #PD.3). Do not count the number of negatives. The folder title should reference the folder in which the prints are housed.

PD.3. Photographs: Galentine’s Day, 2012

PD.4. Negatives of prints in #PD.3

Negatives that do not correspond to existing prints, but do seem to have research value, should be treated as part of the photo series. Keep them in separate folders, in negative sleeves, and include a general description in the folder title.

PD.24. Photographs: Leslie Knope in London, 2013; negatives without prints


Slides that will be cataloged are numbered in the same manner as photographs but slides are housed separately. Each slide sleeve should be labeled with the folder number and collection name. There are slide sleeves in the 3rd floor cabinets if you need some. You can keep them in a folder for organizational purposes, but Joanne will not be retaining the folder since slides are stored in binders.

Folders containing only slides should include the "sl" designation in their file unit #, whether found separately, or removed from folders with non-photo documents (e.g., PD.2sl).

PD.5sl. Photographs: Leslie Knope at JJ’s diner, 2011; slides

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