modified Canon EOS 5D Mark VI camera

modified Canon EOS 5D Mark VI camera

We have a high-end Canon digital single lens reflex camera (DSLR), a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, that has been modified in two ways, by LDP LLC = maxmax (see www.maxmax.com) : 

1) the infra-red blocking filter has been removed, giving the full sensor QE response in the red

2) the color Bayer filter has been removed, making it a monochrome imager. 

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer_filter

That makes our Canon 5D Mark IV camera a 36mm x 24mm focal plane, with 5.36 micron pixel pitch, giving us a 6720 x 4480 CMOS detector. Typical lenses don't have the spatial resolution to take full advantage of this, and the lens blur determines the effective resolution, namely (sensor size/PSF FWHM). Also, need to take care what lenses are used since many produce "IR hot spots" due to back-reflection and ghosting from anti-reflection coatings in the lens. 




https://www.edwardnoble.com/hotspots for listing of decent IR lenses. 

To use:

  • set clock to GMT (London time zone, no daylight savings correction)
  • make sure highest resolution RAW images are stored (it can store JPEGs too)
  • camera can be operated manually, via USB from a computer, or over wifi from your phone, using appropriate Canon EOS software.  

Make sure battery is charged. Camera takes various format cards, including SD cards. 

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