labjack drivers

labjack drivers

Labjack U6 Driver Install

> note this is for older labjacks


Although this should work with any Linux distribution, Debian/Ubuntu are the examples given.

Install Exodriver & LabJackPython

  1. Install dependencies
    apt install build-essential libusb-1.0.0-dev
  2. Clone Exodriver repo

    git clone https://github.com/labjack/exodriver.git && cd exodriver

  3. Run install script

    sudo ./install.sh

  4. Install LabJackPython

    pip install LabJackPython

Once the driver and labjackpython are installed, run a python interactive shell and run 

import u6
dev = u6.U6()

If all is well, then the initialization of the device should be silent, and the next commands should spit out information about the device and the current temperature. If there is an issue with the device it will say the device could not be found. 

Note that the import statement and device initialization should match the attached labjack, eg u3, u6, etc

Labjack T7 Driver Install

> Note these instructions are for newer labjack devices; eg the ones with wifi, usb, and ethernet connections.

 1. Install LJM driver/C library.

2. Install labjack-python using pip3.
     pip install labjack-ljm

Examples on how to use the python library are in the labjack-ljm repo.

These steps will also install Kipling, a GUI interface for labjacks. It is mainly useful for quick debugging and enabling/disabling features like wifi. On Ubuntu, if you get an error like

/opt/labjack_kipling/Kipling: error while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Then run

sudo apt install -y libgconf2-dev

to get it working.

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