Analyzing SC QE Data

Analyzing SC QE Data

The code to analyze solar cell QE data is available on the Solar Cell GitHub page, here: https://github.com/stubbslab/solarCells.  The specific necessary file is AnalyzeSCQE_fromRefPD.py, along with the required libraries.  

To run the code, the user needs to change a few code variables, to point to the data file they want to analyze.  Specifically: 

stems, suffixes, extra_save_suffixes, date_strs

must be changed to point to the QE file(s) that the user wants to analyze.  The user should also change the 

extra_title_str, cell_ids 

variables to indicate the cell ID, as they want it to appear in the generated plots. 

Once these changes are made, it's easy to run the code.  Simply do so from the command line: 

python AnalyzeSCQE_fromRefPD.py 

Note, the plots of the (sometimes) thousands of measurements, can take a long time to generate, and the code therefore can take a very long time to run. 

As an example, to process the following data file SC_Cell24_LongQE_20220406.txt of cell 24 taken on 2022/04/06, we set the following variables within AnalyzeSCQE_fromRefPD.py: 

stems = ['SC_Cell24_LongQE_']
suffixes = ['']
extra_save_suffixes = ['_QEMeasurement']
date_strs = ['20220406']
extra_title_str = 'Cell ID 24'
cell_ids = ['Cell 24' ]

And then running the code from the command line: 

$ python AnalyzeSCQE_fromRefPD.py 

This generates the following plots: 

and the following QE text file: 


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