Rubin All-sky camera data and access
Rubin All-sky camera data and access
From Brian Stalder, July 27 2024:
This pertains to Canon camera all-sky images at Rubin site.
Indeed, they're there. Directory is
On USDF in ~/notebooks I made CanonShow.ipynb, gets and displays allsky images.
Image names are
2407 is year and month
26 is date
then xxxx is sequence number.
spacing starts 5 min apart at low seq number.
images begin at noon in timestamp units. I think that's around 0800 local Chile time, so morning.
I think timestamp is in UT. Good.
at 2300 the interval changes to 1 minute. That continues until 1000. Images taken around 0200 should be evening twilight. On July 26 that is image number around 313
Image 0513 has timestamp of 0520 and shows stars.
this command copies images from relevant directories into an accessible place from which they can be downloaded:
cp /sdf/data/rubin/offline/s3-backup/lfa/AllSkyCamera/2024/07/26/asc2407260680.jpg ~/DATA
, multiple selections available,
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