046 Special coded dates

046 Special coded dates

This field is used to record the date of material that cannot be entered in 008/06-14. We use it to record one or more Before Common Era (BCE) dates.

indicators:       None; leave blank.

subfields:        $$a - Type of date code (NR)

                      $$b - Date 1, BCE date (NR)

                      $$d - Date 2, BCE date (NR)

                      $$e - Date 2, CE date (NR)

punctuation:    None.


$$a Type of date code

 This subfield is used to enter information similar to that in the 008 byte 06.

i - inclusive dates for a collection. Use this for a group of distinct items, e.g., letters that are bound together. 

s - single known or probable date

m - multiple dates. Use this for a work that is executed over a period of time that can be specified. This would include a manuscript that contains annotations or additions made after its first copying.

q - questionable date. Use this only for a single date that can be narrowed to within a range of years.


$$b Date 1, BCE date

This subfield is used for a Before Common Era date and entered as 008 bytes 07-10.


$$d Date 2, BCE date

This subfield is used for a second date that is a Before Common Era date. It is entered as 008 bytes 11-14. This subfield is not used for a single date.


$$e Date 2, CE date

This subfield is used for a second date that is a Common Era date. It is entered as 008 bytes 11-14. This subfield is not used for a single date.


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