240 Uniform title

240 Uniform title

Use this field for a manuscript of a published item that already has a uniform title as a printed work and where the name of the creator appears in the 100/110. When the creator of the physical work in hand (collector, scribe, transcriber, etc.) is placed in the 100/110, rather than the creator of the intellectual work, then the uniform title is placed in a 730 and the intellectual creator in a 700/710.

Also use this field when additions or deletions to the title must be accommodated, such as a selection of a work, or when the main title is a translation. This field is displays at “Title” in the OPAC.


indicators:       1st       0        Not printed or displayed

                                  1        Printed or displayed

                      2nd      0        Number of non-filing characters (always ‘0’, no initial article)

subfields:        $$a - Uniform title (NR)

                      $$k - Form subheading (R)

                      $$l - Language of a work (NR)

                      $$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)

Above are the most typical subfields used for a 240 in a single-item record. Any subfield related to special cataloging (e.g., music) can be used accordingly.

punctuation:    End all but the last subfield with a mark of punctuation, unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation, initial/letter, or data that ends with a mark of punctuation. Drop any initial article in the title.



240  10   $$a Pickwick Papers. $$l French

240  10   $$a Laelius de amicitia. $$k Selections (This is MS Lat 374.)

240  10   $$a Book of hours       

240  10   $$a Euchologion. $$l Arabic 


Liturgical manuscripts. Use this field for liturgical manuscripts only where the name of the religious body (usually "Catholic Church") has already been given in the 110. Some liturgical works have author/title authorities in English (with the author as Catholic Church). These include:



Books of Hours


Gradual (Pre-Vatican II) 




Others have titles in Latin:

Ordo Missae (for Ordinary of the Mass)


Check LC Authorities and the HOLLIS catalogue for regular practice of liturgical uniform titles.




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