510 Citation/reference

510 Citation/reference

This field is used to for citations or references to published bibliographic descriptions, indexes, or reviews of the content of the described item.

indicators:       1st      3          Location in source not given

                                 4          Location in source given (see $$c)

                      2nd     #          Undefined

subfields:        $$a - Name of source (NR) 

                      $$c - Location within source (NR)

                      $$3 - Materials specified (NR)

punctuation:    Subfields are separated by commas; field ends with no added punctuation.


Citations or references may be given in a brief form using generally recognizable abbreviations.  These references should include printed Houghton catalogues where the material has appeared. The actual text of a published description is not recorded in the 510 but can be used to inform the summary in a 520. Note: We differentiate this field from 581, which is a citation note for published works of research works about or using the material.

Displays as "References".


$$a Name of the source

Here is entered the name of the source. The name of the source may be given in either full cataloging form or as a conventionalized abbreviation, for example De Ricci, for De Ricci, Seymour and W.J. Wilson. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (1940).


$$c Location in source

Specific location of the citation or reference within the source (e.g., page number, item number, etc.). Note that the first indicator position contains value 4 (Location in source given) when subfield $$c is present.


$$3 Material specified

This subfield is used when only a specific part or section of the described material is described in the citation/reference. If you have numbered the parts of the item in 505, you can use the number here. Note: This subfield goes before $$a.


510 4_ $$a Illuminated and calligraphic manuscripts at Harvard (1955), $$c number 12

510 4_ $$a P. Moraux, Aristoteles Graecus, $$c volume 1 (1976), 110-17

510 4_ $$a Light, Bible in the twelfth century, $$c number 12   

510 4_ $$a J. Wardrop in Harvard Library Bulletin, $$c 7 (1953): 223-4 

The title of the article need not be given.

510 4_ $$a Baumstark, $$c 296

The standard reference for Syriac literature.

510 4_ $$3 Number 1 $$a BHG, $$c 194