100 Main entry - personal name

100 Main entry - personal name

Use this field to enter the person predominantly responsible for creating the item or associated with its production. We do not use square brackets in the 100 field. If no creator information is available, do not use this field; start the record with the 245 title field or the 130 uniform title field.

Make sure that you enter the name in its authorized form. If the person does not appear in the LC name-authority file, add an entry in the record for the name as it appears, recording a date, middle initial, title, profession, etc. to distinguish it from an authorized name. See AACR2 22.17-20 "Additions to distinguish identical names". A fuller form of the name or a distinguishing term may be used, preferably one given on the item or in a reference book. See AACR2 for examples and format.

indicators:       1st       0         Forename

                                  1         Surname

                                  3         Family name

                        2nd    #         blank


subfields:         $$a - Personal name

                       $$b - Numeration

                       $$c - Title, term of address, or other associated phrase

                       $$q - Fuller form of name

                       $$d - Date

                       $$e - Relator term

                       $$j - Attribution qualifier


punctuation:     End with a mark of punctuation. This usually means adding a full point, but do not do this when the text ends with a hyphen after a birth date or with a right parenthesis.


$$a Personal name (NR)

Surname and/or forename; letters, initials, abbreviations, phrases, or numbers used in place of a name; or a family name.


$$b Numeration (NR)

Roman numeral or a roman numeral and a subsequent part of a forename when the first indicator value is 0.


$$c Title, term of address, or other associated phrase (R)

Titles and words associated with a name.


$$q Fuller form of name (NR)

More complete form of the name contained in subfield $$a. The contents of this subfield go in parentheses.


$$d Date (NR)

Dates of birth, death, or flourishing, or any other date associated with a name.


$$e Relator term (R)

Describes the relationship between a name and a work. Use only when a 100 is not the creator of the piece to clarify the relationship of the main entry to the work. Those relators most often used by Houghton are listed below; for a complete list consult the MARC documentation. Do not use abbreviations.







$$j Attribution qualifier (R)

Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious or pseudonymous. The MARC 21 definition is subtle. When internal evidence suggests that the author (or artist; this subfield seems to be mostly for art) is not after all a well known person but only "school of", that person's name can be used as the main entry, followed by this subfield. Commonly used attribution qualifiers are as follows:


Associate of

Attributed to

Circle of

Follower of

Office of

Pupil of

School of

Studio of

Style of

Workshop of



100 0_ $$a John Paul, $$b II, $$c Pope, $$d 1920-

100 0_ $$a Titian, $$d ca. 1488-1576.

100 1_ $$a Castello, Dario, $$d fl. 1621-1644.

100 0_ $$a Moses $$c (Biblical leader)

100 0_ $$a Catherine, $$c of Alexandria, Saint.

100 1_ $$a Stoddard, Roger E. $$q (Roger Eliot)

100 1_ $$a Mahaim, I. $$q (Ivan), $$e compiler.

100 1_ $$a Reynolds, Joshua, $$c Sir, $$d 1723-1792, $$j Pupil of.

100 1_ $$a Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre.

100 3_ $$a Schramm family.




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