IV.4. 040 : Cataloging Source

For original cataloging in Connexion Client, subfields a and c will automatically reflect the appropriate OCLC symbol for Houghton Library (HUL)*.  Subfield b should reflect the language of the cataloging agency (i.e., eng), and the descriptive cataloging standard used should be included in subfield e.  Do not change the codes in legacy records.   

RBS catalogers may use one of the following options in subfield e, depending on the type of collection being cataloged (check with the Head of Rare Book Section):

DCRMR (DCRM aligned with the RDA element set)

040 $$a HUL $$b eng $$e rda $$e dcrmr $$c HUL

DCRM(B) (or other appropriate DCRM standard)

040 $$a HUL $$b eng $$e dcrmb $$c HUL

PCC BIBCO Standard Record: RDA Metadata Application Profile (BSR)

040 $$a HUL $$b eng $$e rda $$e dcrmb $$c HUL

RDA (appropriate for non-rare materials)

040 $$a HUL $$b eng $$e rda $$c HUL 

CAVEAT:  Do not confuse the OCLC symbol in 040 with the MARC organization code used in subfield 5.  In OCLC records, the codes for subfield 5 are MH-H for Houghton and MH-HT for Theatre Collection. Local fields added directly to Alma bibliographic and holdings will continue to be hou, the, or poe in subfield 5.

*Due to Harvard's OCLC Data Sync Project, Houghton Library's OCLC symbol HHG in 040 has been merged with Harvard Library's primary symbol HUL in late October 2020.  No retrospective work should be done by the catalogers to change the former symbol in existing records. 

N.B. The RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee (BSC) is neutral regarding RDA, neither encouraging nor discouraging agencies on the implementation of RDA-acceptable DCRM records.  BSC's Policy Statements to RDA will be forthcoming.